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(September 27, 2020  10:24 PM) The Michigan Department of Corrections is reporting as of 6:45 PM September 25, there are 5,526 confirmed positive COVID-19 cumulative cases at facilities throughout the state.  Of that statewide total, 1,677 of the confirmed positive cases are at Jackson facilities.

Throughout the state corrections system, there are currently 245 active cases.

In Jackson, there are 499 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases at Parnall Correctional Facility, 384 at Charles E. Egeler Reception and Guidance Center, 2 at Cooper Street Correctional Facility, 19 at Duane Waters Health Center and 773 at G. Robert Cotton Correctional Facility. 

Among staff, there are a total of 506 COVID-19 positive cases statewide.   In Jackson, there are 76 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases among employees at Parnall Correctional Facility, 4 at Cooper Street Correctional Facility, 43 at Charles E. Egeler Reception and Guidance Center, 42 at G. Robert Cotton Correctional Facility and 3 at Jackson Regional Warehouse.

There have been a total of 72 deaths (statewide) of prisoners who had tested positive for COVID-19, 22 of those deaths were among prisoners at Jackson facilities. 

The Michigan Department of Corrections is listed as a separate jurisdiction in the daily MDHHS report of positive cases in the state. All other cases are reported by county.  MDOC prisoner cases are not included in the county cumulative numbers or in the numbers reported by the Jackson County Health Department.

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