Since 1940, the John George, Jr. Student Loan Fund has been helping Jackson area students to continue their education.
Students eligible for this low-interest student loan may borrow up to $6,000 per year at a 2% interest rate for up to a total of $24,000 to attend Michigan state-supported colleges and universities.
John George Loan Applications
To qualify for the John George, Jr. Student Loan Fund, applicants must be a Jackson County resident or graduate of a Jackson County High School (including Jackson County, Michigan homeschooled) and plan to attend a Michigan state-supported college or university. (Attendees of trade schools and job retraining are not eligible). One of the applicant’s parents must reside in Jackson County, Michigan during the years of borrowing from the program. They must have maintained a high school grade point average of 2.25 or better, which they will be required to maintain in college. Loan is available for graduate studies also