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Michigan Reports 999 Coronavirus Cases Today, State Total Now 33,966

(April 22, 2020 3:16 PM)  Michigan reported 999 coronavirus (COVID-19) positive test cases today, with the state reported total now at 33,966. The State of Michigan is reporting 113 COVID-19-related deaths today, bringing the state total to 2,813.    State Cumulative Total of Recovered COVID-19 Cases (as of 4/17/2020): 3,237.  This number is updated weekly. This information is updated daily at 3 p.m., with COVID-19 results included as of 10 a.m. Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Jurisdiction updated 4/22/2020 County Confirmed Cases Reported Deaths Alcona 4   Allegan 50   Alpena 38 1 Antrim 9   Arenac 13 1 Barry 28 1 Bay 93 2 Benzie 4   Berrien 177 11 Branch 42 2 Calhoun 168 5 Cass 23 1 Charlevoix 12 1 Cheboygan 14 1 Chippewa 1   Clare 10 1 Clinton 106 7 Crawford 32 2 Delta 12 2 Detroit City 8026 747 Dickinson 3 2 Eaton 104 5 Emmet 22 2 Genesee 1362 138 Gladwin 10 1 Gogebic 4 1 Grand Traverse 19 5 Gratiot 8 1 Hillsdale 97 12 Houghton 2   Huron 9   Ingham 350 7 Ionia 27 2 Iosco 15 2 Isabella 54 7 Jackson 289 12 Kalamazoo 212 11 Kalkaska 17 2 Kent 757 25…

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Jackson County Daily Report: 284 COVID-19 Positive Cases and 12 Deaths

(April 22, 2020 12:02 PM) The Jackson County Health Department released the COVID-19 positive numbers for Jackson County.  As of 12 PM today, there are 284 positive cases (cumulative), and 12 deaths (cumulative)*. The Michigan Department of Corrections is reporting as of 11:30 PM Tuesday, April 21, there are 284 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases at Jackson prison facilities. As of 12 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, there are 53 individuals with positive COVID-19 results who are inpatients at Henry Ford Allegiance Health. An additional 12 persons under investigation are hospitalized at HFAH. To date, a total of 57 positive COVID-19 HFAH inpatients have been treated and discharged. *These numbers do not reflect any cases or deaths identified through Michigan Department of Corrections.  Their numbers are listed under a separate category “Others” for the Michigan Statistics. Gender Number Percent Male 131 46% Female 153 54% The age group will only be reported as a percentage of the total instead of the actual number.  Age - Years Percent 0 -19 3% 20 - 29 14% 30 - 39 12% 40 - 49 21% 50 - 59 19% 60 - 69 18% 70 -79 7% 80 5% Race and Ethnicity tables were added on April, 8,…

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Henry Ford: How Essential Workers Can Protect Themselves from COVID-19

(April 22, 2020 7:16 AM) To reduce the spread of COVID-19, everyone who does not have an essential job must stay home. But those who do have essential jobs (healthcare workers, grocery-store employees and delivery carriers, for example) must be extra careful to protect themselves while working.     “There are some precautions every essential worker should take, regardless of their job,” says Earlexia Norwood, M.D., a family medicine physician with Henry Ford Health System. “Wash your hands frequently, clean communal surfaces often, wear a mask and gloves. Don’t touch your face or mask. Don’t use your cell phone at work, or if you must, clean it often with antibacterial wipes. Avoid sharing personal items like pens. And after coming home from work each day, take off your clothes and mask and wash them in the laundry immediately.” Break rooms and communal bathrooms are hot spots that should be used with caution, too, says Dr. Norwood. Use paper towels or tissues to open doors and turn off sink faucets, and wash your hands well. “If there’s a break room that offers a cross breeze, open the windows to let in fresh air so the air can circulate,” she suggests. “And employers should limit the number of…

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MDOC: 284 Confirmed Positive Cases at Jackson Facilities, 90 Confirmed Positive Jackson Staff

(April 22, 2020 6:48 AM) The Michigan Department of Corrections is reporting as of 11:30 PM Tuesday, there are 619 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases at facilities throughout the state.  Of that statewide total, 284 of the confirmed positive cases are at Jackson facilities. There have been a total of 24 deaths of prisoners who had tested positive for COVID-19, 8 of those deaths were among prisoners at Jackson facilities. In Jackson, there are 164 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases at Parnall Correctional Facility, 26 at Charles E. Egeler Reception and Guidance Center, 20 at Duane Waters Health Center and 74 at G. Robert Cotton Correctional Facility. Among staff, there are a total of 220 COVID-19 positive cases statewide.   In Jackson, there are 68 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases among employees at Parnall Correctional Facility, 1 at Cooper Street Correctional Facility, 10 at Charles E. Egeler Reception and Guidance Center, 8 at G. Robert Cotton Correctional Facility and 3 at Jackson Regional Warehouse. The Michigan Department of Corrections is listed as a separate jurisdiction in the daily MDHHS report of positive cases in the state. All other cases are reported by county.  MDOC prisoner cases are not included in the county cumulative numbers or…

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