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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

JTV News presents The Morning Show.  Continuing coronavirus coverage and Andy and Bart’s guests: Katena Cain, Nonprofit Network and Jenifer Scanlon, The Brokerage House.   Live at 9 AM, replay at 11 AM. Wednesday on The Bart Hawley Show, continuing coverage with Bart’s guests: Paula Autry, CEO, Henry Ford Allegiance Health;  Dr. Michael Fill, Medical Director, Jackson Community Paramedics;  Betsy McDavid, Jackson Community Ambulance, Supervisor of Paramedics;  Daniel Mahoney, President, Jackson County Branch NAACP & Jackson County Commissioner;  Hope Culver, Youth Program Coordinator, Salvation Army Jackson.  Live at 1 PM, replays at 5, 8 and 11 PM; 2 and 5 AM Thursday.

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Michigan Reports 221 Coronavirus Cases Today, State Total Now 61,630

(June 23, 2020 3:35 PM) Michigan reported 221 coronavirus (COVID-19) positive test cases today, with the state reported total now at 61,630. The State of Michigan is reporting 11 COVID-19-related deaths today, bringing the state total to 5,864. State Cumulative Total of Recovered COVID-19 Cases (as of 6/19/2020): 49,290.  This information is updated daily at 3 p.m., with COVID-19 results included as of 10 a.m.

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UIA Announces Plan to Eliminate Claims Backlog

(June 23, 2020 3:24 PM) Michigan’s Unemployment Insurance Agency has announced a goal to clear its backlog and make a determination on all eligible unpaid claims filed before May 1st. For the 11,824 workers who applied prior to May 1st and are still awaiting a decision on eligibility, the agency will pay out benefits, determine that the claimant is ineligible and communicate why, or deem the claimant unreachable after multiple attempts to make contact. Unpaid claims filed before May 1st represent only 0.5% of all claims. “Our goal is to have every unemployment claim filed before May 1st resolved by the end of next week,” said UIA Director Steve Gray. “While most of our eligible workers have been paid, the unprecedented number of claims during this crisis means that there are still tens of thousands of real Michiganders needing one-on-one review to pay benefits. We know COVID-19 continues to cause fear and frustration for these families and we are working work around the clock and enhance our resources to quickly eliminate the remaining backlog and get every worker the emergency financial assistance they’re entitled to.” The UIA also provided a detailed update on unemployment claims related to COVID-19 in Michigan.…

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Jackson County Cumulative Report: 468 COVID-19 Positive Cases and 29 Deaths

(June 23, 2020 12:00 PM) The Jackson County Health Department released the COVID-19 positive numbers for Jackson County.  As of 12 PM today, there are 468 positive cases (cumulative), and 29 deaths (cumulative)*.     There is no change from yesterday’s report.  There have been no new cases since June 20 and no new deaths since June 7. Cumulative recovered** patients (cumulative): 400 (updated weekly, as of June 19). The Michigan Department of Corrections is reporting as of 12:15 PM Sunday, June 21, there are 1,584 confirmed positive cases are at Jackson facilities, 156 Confirmed Positive Jackson staff. As of 3 PM on Wednesday, June 17, there are 3 individual with positive COVID-19 results who are inpatients at Henry Ford Allegiance Health.  *These numbers do not reflect any cases or deaths identified through Michigan Department of Corrections.  Their numbers are listed under a separate category "Others" for the Michigan Statistics. **Recovered is defined as the number of persons with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis who are alive 30 days post-onset (or referral date if onset is not available). Gender Number of Cases Percent Male 223 47.6% Female 245 52.4% The Age group is reported as a percentage of the total instead of the…

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Jackson College to Distribute Emergency Assistance to Eligible Students from CARES Act

(June 23, 2020 11:42 AM) Jackson College students who incurred qualifying expenses related to the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic can now apply for emergency aid. Funding will come from the College’s share of the federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, part of the Coronavirus Aid, Recovery, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.  Jackson College received $3.89 million from the CARES Act, passed in March, with half allocated for student assistance and half allocated for institutional support. College leaders have been waiting for further guidance from the Department of Education on how to distribute the funds. After careful consideration and with this new guidance, Jackson College has decided that the entire $3.89 million will be distributed to students in the form of direct cash payments ($1.94 million) and distance learning scholarships (applied directly to students’ accounts) during this conversion to all-online learning ($1.94 million). “The College really just wanted to help students. The students can get a cash payment, but also all students will get a scholarship to cover the additional online fees for both the spring and fall semesters,” said Jeremy Frew, vice president of Student Services. “We are excited to move forward with this initiative and work with our…

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