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Jackson County Cumulative Report: 17,133 COVID-19 Positive Cases and 308 Deaths

(October 1, 2021 12:00 PM)  The Jackson County Health Department released the COVID-19 positive numbers for Jackson County.  As of 12:00 PM today, there are 17,133 positive cases (cumulative), and 308 deaths (cumulative)*.     There are 45 new cases since yesterday’s report. As of September 24, there are 20 persons at Henry Ford Allegiance Health being treated as inpatients for COVID-19.  Cumulative recovered, as of October 1: 15,562** The cumulative numbers posted on Mondays include the data from Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  Recovered numbers are being posted as received.  *These numbers do not reflect any cases or deaths identified through Michigan Department of Corrections.  Their numbers are listed under a separate category and reported by the state at Michigan Statistics. Cases reported involving Jackson County school students or staff are included in our posted numbers.  For details regarding cases and outbreaks at Michigan schools please see https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163_98173_102480---,00.html **Recovered is defined as the number of persons with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis who are alive 30 days post-onset (or referral date if onset is not available). Gender Number of Cases Percent Male 7937 46.3% Female 9063 52.9% Unknown 133 0.8% The Age group is reported as a percentage of the total instead of the actual…

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Enterprise Group of Jackson Celebrates Manufacturing Day

(October 1, 2021 11:22 AM) Today is National Manufacturing Day and the Enterprise Group of Jackson is celebrating the day and the start of Manufacturing Month with a virtual experience. The Fifth Annual Jackson County Manufacturing Day is being held virtually again this year.   Instead of opening doors to hundreds of students, The Enterprise Group of Jackson was the leader in the production of a virtual event that includes presentations, processes, and other great content from school representatives and their manufacturing partners. As part of an effort to change perceptions about today’s manufacturing environment and draw attention to the outstanding opportunities that a career in manufacturing can provide; Alro Steel, Lomar Machine & Tool, Michigan Automotive Compressor, Inc., Orbitform, Technique, Inc., Jackson College, Northwest School District, along with JTV, partnered with the EG to coordinate the video, which is available for viewing at http://enterprisegroup.org.  Jackson County middle and high school classes are viewing the video today as part of the EG's outreach. One in-person MFG Day event is being held today at Lomar Machine & Tool.  Lomar is hosting tours for the Hanover Horton 7th grade class, as well as the Concord 7th and 8th grade Robotics classes.   Additional community resources have been developed to support…

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Spabstacle at Sharp Park Academy 10-1-21 | Photo Gallery

Sharp Park Academy Spabstacle Event, 10-1-21.  Photos by Jeff Steers, JTV News.  For prints or downloads, click here. [ngg src="galleries" ids="1385" display="pro_blog_gallery"]Sharp Park Academy Spabstacle Event, 10-1-21.  Photos by Jeff Steers, JTV News.  For prints or downloads, click here.

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Michigan Food Assistance Increases 6.8% Starting in October

(October 1, 2021 10:06 AM) Michiganders who receive food assistance will see a permanent increase of approximately 6.8% in their monthly benefits beginning in October, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) announced. Due to a larger-than-normal annual increase in benefits from federal funding at the beginning of the new fiscal year, people who receive food assistance will experience an increase even as a temporary 15% hike related to the COVID-19 pandemic expires effective this month. For example, the maximum monthly benefit for a household of four increases from $782 to $835. “Increases in monthly food assistance benefits have helped Michigan residents feed their families during an international pandemic,” said Lewis Roubal, MDHHS senior deputy director for opportunity. “As the temporary 15% hike expires, we are pleased that our federal partners have acted so that families who need help putting food on the table will still receive a modest increase in their benefits. MDHHS remains committed to helping address food insecurity in Michigan.” Monthly increases based on household size are as follows: Household Size Monthly Increase 1 $16 2 $29 3 $42 4 $53 5 $63 6 $76 7 $84 8 $96 MDHHS administers the federal Supplemental Nutrition…

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Extreme Dodge Jackson County Sports Scoreboard Sept. 30, 2021

Football Addison 44, Union City 14: Addison High School punched its ticket for the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 8 playoffs with the road win. The Panthers are now 6-0. Ryan Worsham and Keelan Mullin each scored two touchdowns for Addison in the win. Nicholas Trumble and Noah Springer also scored touchdowns for the Panthers. Addison averaged 10.2 yards per rush in the contest.    Volleyball Grass Lake at Concord Tri-meet: Concord High School defeated Grass Lake 2-1 and the Warriors defeated Hillsdale Academy in two sets during a tri-meet at CHS. Ruby Johnson had 15 kills and Olivia Turner added 11 kills for Grass Lake. Abby Buttigieg tallied 34 digs and Cheyenne Mosher finished with 25 assists for the Warriors.    Napoleon Tri-meet: Napoleon defeated Olivet and Homer during a home tri-meet. Momo Hampton recorded 28 assists and nine kills, Alyssa Budd finished with 13 kills, and Sam Conaway had seven kills for the Pirates.  Stockbridge 3, Jackson Christian 0: Liv Conrad had two kills and six digs for Jackson Christian.  Boys soccer Jackson 2, Tecumseh 1: Dylan Marshallsay and Tyler Bonner scored goals for the Vikings in the win.   Lenawee Christian 3, Jackson Christian 0: The Royals…

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Friday, October 1, 2021

JTV News presents The Morning Show.  Friday, Bart’s guests:  Dr. Matthew Badtke, Science Chair, Jackson College.  Brian Knapp, Spring Arbor University Alumni Relations.  The Chamber Connection with Craig Hatch, President & CEO, Jackson Chamber & Sarah Ermatinger, TRUE Community Credit Union. 9 AM and 11 AM.   Replay from September 30. Friday on The Bart Hawley Show:  Lisa Feighner, Henry Ford Allegiance Health Nurse Recruiter and Rachel Witgen, Nurse Manager, Emergency Department;  Yvette Collins, AT&T Michigan;  Lori Lamontagne, Sandhill Crane Vineyards; Entertainment Correspondent Dave DeBaker;  Ric Walton, The Walton Insurance Group. 1, 5, 8, and 11 PM;  2 and 5 AM.   Replay from September 30. High School Football.  JTV Sports presents LIVE High School Football.  Coldwater vs Western.  Pre-game show at 6:45 PM, kickoff at 7 PM.  Game replays at 10 PM. This week on JTV: Food Circus   Taste the local difference at Doll n' Burgers in Tecumseh and Jackson. Jeff O'Harrow gives us a tour of their Cooper St. location in Jackson including the assembling process and food samples. Where We Live  The Ella Sharp Museum is filled with items rich in Jackson history, and none know this better than Al Spiess Jr.  JTV visits the Never Enough Time Exhibit…

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Events of October 1, 2, and 3, 2021

October 1 Grand River Farmers Market.  The Grand River Farmers Market at the corner of Louis Glick and Pearl Streets in Jackson is open Fridays and Saturdays, 9-2.  Lots of great new vendors, and our favorite regulars too!   A great selection of local seasonal produce is available. Buy local at the Grand River Farmers Market and receive the freshest produce in the area. Now accepting credit cards and bridge cards.  http://grandriverfarmersmarket.com/(517) 788-4355.  Follow their Facebook page. Antique Show and Flea Market.  Friday and Saturday,  10 AM to 5 PM.   Inside & Outside the American 1 Event Center at Keeley Park.   Free Parking provided!   This show is a pickers dream with 1000’s of unique items! The Jackson Antique & Flea Market Show has been running for over 21 years now and is a very unique show where you’ll find anything from Glassware, Cast Iron Cookware, Furniture, Bird Houses, Dolls, Toys, Beer Signs, Jewelry (Antique & New), Primitives, Socks, Walking Canes, Knifes, Books, Coins, Antiques, Hunting / Fishing, Candles, Bedding / Blankets, Tools, Bread, Pies, Wood Carvings, Sweat / T-shirts, Figurines, NASCAR, Flea Market Finds, Treasures and More!   Price: Admission $3.00 Per Person kids under 10 free.   For more info go to midmichigansupershows.com…

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