Jackson County Cumulative Report: 17,133 COVID-19 Positive Cases and 308 Deaths
(October 1, 2021 12:00 PM) The Jackson County Health Department released the COVID-19 positive numbers for Jackson County. As of 12:00 PM today, there are 17,133 positive cases (cumulative), and 308 deaths (cumulative)*. There are 45 new cases since yesterday’s report. As of September 24, there are 20 persons at Henry Ford Allegiance Health being treated as inpatients for COVID-19. Cumulative recovered, as of October 1: 15,562** The cumulative numbers posted on Mondays include the data from Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Recovered numbers are being posted as received. *These numbers do not reflect any cases or deaths identified through Michigan Department of Corrections. Their numbers are listed under a separate category and reported by the state at Michigan Statistics. Cases reported involving Jackson County school students or staff are included in our posted numbers. For details regarding cases and outbreaks at Michigan schools please see https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163_98173_102480---,00.html **Recovered is defined as the number of persons with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis who are alive 30 days post-onset (or referral date if onset is not available). Gender Number of Cases Percent Male 7937 46.3% Female 9063 52.9% Unknown 133 0.8% The Age group is reported as a percentage of the total instead of the actual…