Friday JTV News presents The Morning Show. Today, Andy and Bart’s guests: Tracy Van Buskirk, Clinic Manager & Kellie Simpson, Clinic Manager, Pediatrics, Center for Family Health. Geoff Bontrager, Superintendent, Northwest Community Schools. Ken Mangus, Tai Chi Instructor, Jackson Recreation Department. 9 AM and 11 AM. Replay from July 6. Friday on The Bart Hawley Show: Joe Fowler, President, Michigan International Speedway; Jenna Chmielewski, ERA Reardon, “Right Size Your Life”; Dave DeBaker, Entertainment Correspondent; Michelle Woods, Fitness Trainer, YMCA’s Zumba Under the Stars; Ric Walton, Walton Insurance Group. 1, 5, 8, and 11 PM; 2 and 5 AM. Replay from July 6. Food Circus: The historical Virginia Coney Island is featured. Owner Joe Matthews and Angie Roche make some delicious meals including their famous coneys. Where We Live: Where We Live visits Hidden Lake Gardens in the heart of the Irish Hills and takes a look at all this nature preserve has to offer. With miles of roads and trails and dozens of gardens, there is something for everyone to enjoy. It’s Hidden Lake Gardens on Where We Live presented by Lloyd Ganton Retirement Centers. The Jackson Show: New episode! Highlights from the 2023 Juneteenth Celebration from downtown Jackson. Live music, delicious food, fabulous vendors, great people and more. At Home…