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Jackson, Mich.— Jackson Area Career Center counselor Paula Freehling has been named Counselor of the Year by the Jackson Counseling Association (JCA).

The award was selected through a voting process open to all members of the JCA, which includes 32 members representing each of the county’s 13 public high schools along with several other colleges and agencies.

“This is great recognition for Paula and all her efforts to support students at the Career Center,” said Mark Pogliano, Career Center principal. “We are very fortunate to have Paula and the other counselors who understand the importance of career training, academic support, and postsecondary options for each of our students.”

Freehling started with the JCISD in 2001 as a Career Prep Coordinator before coming on as a counselor at the Career Center in 2003.

“It was an honor to be recognized by my peers for this award,” said Freehling. “I truly enjoy having the chance to make a difference in students’ lives and help prepare them for success after the Career Center.”

Nominations for the award are made by fellow counselors, and are based upon the recognition of qualities that include the counselor’s effectiveness, dedication to the position, and the level of support the individual provides to students.  

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