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Lexus Bargesser, lane six, of Grass Lake High School won the 100- and 200-meter dash events at the MHSAA track and field finals Saturday at Jenison High School.  Photo by Jeff Steers, JTV Sports.

By Jeff Steers
JTV Sports

Perhaps aptly named, Lexus Bargesser of Grass Lake High School was in pursuit of perfection on Saturday at the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 3 track and field championships at Jenison High School.

The freshman stole the show winning the 100 and 200-meter dash events on a stormy Saturday near Grand Rapids.

The state meet was delayed at least three times for thunder and lightning in the area.

Bargesser was a bolt of lightning in winning the 100 in 12.56 seconds – a personal best – and the 200 with a time of 25.43 – also her best time ever.

She was one of a number of Jackson County athletes who earned medals and all-state honors finishing in the top eight in his/her events.

Bargesser was seeded third heading into the 100 final, but got out of blocks quickly and held off fellow Cascades Conference runner Jayden Humphrey of Manchester at the end.

“Jayden and I have gone back and forth all year,” Bargesser said. “I was focusing on myself and pushing off harder to start the race.”

The freshman may have been surprised at all of the media attention following her wins. A number of Detroit and statewide outlets wanted to learn about the freshman phenom from Grass Lake following her wins.

Lumen Christi Catholic High School finished seventh as a team in Division 3 with 27 points. That was fueled by Renae Kutcha winning the 400-meter dash for a second consecutive year and a number of top-8 placers. Bargesser’s wins gave Grass Lake 20 points – good for 14th place.

Here are the area placers from the D-3 state track and field finals at Jenison High School: Boys – Walker Plate, Lumen Christi, fifth, 100-meter dash, 11.24; Andrew Frohm, Vandercook, eighth, 800-meter run, 1:59; Garrett Melling, Hanover-Horton, eighth, 3,200 meter run, 9:48; Colby Burger, Springport, seventh, high jump, 6-3; Keegan Nutt, Springport, third, pole vault, 14-0. Girls – Lexus Bargesser, Grass Lake, first, 100-meter dash, 12.56; Lexus Bargesser, Grass Lake, first, 200-meter dash, 25.43; Renae Kutcha, Lumen Christi, seventh, 200-meter dash, 27.28; Renae Kutcha, Lumen Christi, first, 400-meter dash, 57.81; Allison Rand, Lumen Christi, third, 400-meter dash, 58.6; Allison Rand, Lumen Christi, third, 800-meter run, 2:18; Makayla LeDuc, Ellery Cure, Aislyn Williams and Reagan Fazekas, Hanover-Horton, fifth, 800-meter relay, 1:48; Renae Kutcha, Marcy Rogers, Lily Beebe, Allison Rand, Lumen Christi, sixth, 1,600-meter relay, 4:08.

Division 1 at Kentwood: Boys – Micah Cretsinger, Jackson, seventh, long jump, 22-2.25. Girls – Amani Nuels, Jackson, fifth, 100-meter dash, 12.0.

Division 2 at Zeeland: Boys – Jalen Case, Northwest, fifth, 100-meter dash, 11.29; Jalen Case, Northwest, third, 200-meter dash, 22.45; Tyler Oxley, Western, third, shot put, 53-1; Matt Veneziano, Western, first, high jump, 6-6; Sid Varland, Western, fifth, high jump, 6-2. Girls – Alyna Lewis, Western, seventh, 800-meter run, 2:17; Ashley Oliver, Lilli Luma, Riley Robertson, Alyna Lewis, Western, fifth, 1,600-meter relay, 4:06; Ashley Oliver, Maddie Humphreys, Riley Robertson, Alyna Lewis, fourth, 3,200-meter relay, 9:33.

Division 4 at Hudsonville: Boys – Vincent Giuliano, Concord, first, 200-meter dash, 22.29; Josh Sharp, Zeavion Jones, C.J. Glaspie, Vincent Giuliano, Concord, fifth, 400-meter relay, 44.58; Josh Sharp, Zeavion Jones, C.J. Glaspie, Vincent Giuliano, Concord, fourth, 800-meter relay, 1:32.16; Zeavion Jones, Bryan Smith, Jack Freeman, Vincent Giuliano, Concord, first, 1,600-meter relay, 3:28; Jack Freeman, Matt Record, Jonathan Mikovits, Bryan Smith, Concord, third, 3,200-meter relay, 8:20; Bryce Black, Concord, third, discus, 142-9. Girls – Skylar Thompson, Concord, third, 3,200-meter run, 11:46; Ceirighen Gill, Mira Naumann, Anna Burrow, Billie Weeks, Concord, eighth, 400-meter relay, 52.98; Bridgette Holton, Jacey Hutchins, Rylee Weeks, Skylar Thompson, Concord, sixth, 3,200-meter relay, 10:23; Makenzie Lamphere, Jackson Christian, sixth, discus, 104-3.

Concord High School runner Vincent Giuliano was all smiles after winning the 200-meter dash event at the MHSAA Division 4 track and field finals Saturday at Hudsonville.
Photo by Jeff Steers, JTV Sports.

Renae Kutcha, center, of Lumen Christi Catholic High School, finished seventh in the 200-meter dash and won the 400-meter dash at the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 3 state track and field finals Saturday at Jenison High School. Photo by Jeff Steers, JTV Sports.

East Jackson High School pole vaulter Deven Varela finished 10th at the MHSAA state track and field finals in the pole vault with a personal best of 13 feet, 3 inches. Photo by Jeff Steers, JTV Sports.

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