Photo – Prosecutor Jarzynka and Dr. Sayles making the announcement on today’s Bart Hawley Show
Prosecutor Jerry Jarzynka announced today that his office will be getting a canine advocate.
“The canine advocate or comfort dog will be very helpful to witnesses coming to court to testify, especially for children who are victims,” said Prosecutor Jerry Jarzynka. “We have been researching canine advocates and comfort dogs since my first year in office. We actually had a visit from a dog and his trainer during a staff meeting in 2013. It can be a lengthy process to obtain such a highly trained animal and we are very excited to finally be getting a canine advocate,” he said.
The highly successful Child Advocacy Center has involved the interviews of many children who have been sexually abused. Last year alone there were over 200 interviews held at the Child Advocacy Center and this has led to a better screening of cases for prosecution. “The canine advocate will be very helpful for children witnesses who are called to testify in court regarding sexual abuse,” said Prosecutor Jarzynka.
Dr. Sue Sayles of the Brooklyn Road Veterinary Clinic has agreed to donate veterinary services for the canine advocate. “We have worked with therapy dogs and they understand when humans are in pain or frightened and are very comforting.” said Dr. Sayles. “This will be a great addition to the prosecutor’s office. We are excited to offer our veterinary services pro bono.”
“We are very grateful to Dr. Sayles and the Brooklyn Road Veterinary Clinic for helping children and our community by providing veterinary care for our comfort dog,” said Jarzynka. Other costs of the canine advocate will be covered by donations from local businesses and organizations.
The canine advocate will come from the Leader Dogs for the Blind organization and will be trained. The dog is expected to come to the office in about 6 months.
The interview can be seen here.