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Patient Lape Chooses Friends, Sports as Building Blocks for Future

By Jeff Steers JTV Sports  (December 14, 2024 8:00 AM ET) Two years ago Grass Lake High School student-athlete Brayden Lape had a decision to make. He could either move to Nashville and pursue a country music career or remain in Grass Lake and continue his high school sports schedule. After finishing fifth on NBC’s singing show “The Voice” and creating a national audience, Lape chose Grass Lake, his friends and family, and high school sports. “I have always been a small-town kid who enjoys hunting, fishing, and being with my friends,” Lape said recently. “I could not see myself as someone that I was not. “I love playing high school sports … you only get to do it once in your lifetime.” The senior now has his career mapped out as he prepares to graduate from Grass Lake just over five month from now. He expects to finish in the top three in his class with a 4.24 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale). He has signed to play football at Northwood University in Midland and wants to study business, pursuing a music career after college. “I looked up country artists who played college football (Riley Green and…

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