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Downtown Development Authority Plans Spring Events

Nathan Mack, Downtown Development Authority;  Dr. Allan Tompkins, Jackson Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine;  Jan Witte, Brooklyn Irish Hills Chamber of Commerce;  Carol Ivkovich, JSO Community Music School with Jed Thompson, Jackson District Library, Jackson Irish Festival;  Colin Dexter, Elvis tribute artist;  Sue Lovell, Cascades Humane Society.

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Airport Runway Project On Schedule

Jackson County Airport Manager Kent Mauer;  Northwest Schools Superintendent Geoff Bontrager with teachers Judy Osterberg and Doug Blume;  Wendy Wight, National Day of Prayer;  Terri Papiersky and Jim Ducey, American Red Cross;  Art 634 Second Sunday art display with Scott Struck, Evan Struck and Heidi Rhodes.

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United Way Campaign Update

United Way Campaign Director Marc Daly with Tony Hollow, Vandercook Lake Superintendent;  Jerry Jarzynka and Kathy Schmaltz, Big Brothers BIg Sisters;  Angela Machnik and Deanna Leicht, Restaurant Rally;  Singer John Voelz;  Read Across America Day at Bennett School.

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Historic Prison Tours Set to Begin New Season

Historic Prison Tours founder Judy Gail Krasnow is set to launch a new season of tours at Jackson's original prison.  More than 30 bus tours have been scheduled for the season that begins in April.  Two tours of varying length are offered and can be scheduled on their website.  Other guests:  Derek Dobies, Jackson city councilman and vice mayor;  Jenn Shumaker, Sylvan Learning Center;  Julianna Slager, Artistic Director, Ballet 5:8;  Amy DeShon and Genesis Terrell, Albion Chamber of Commerce and Famous at the Forks talent showcase.

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Jackson Science Cafe Returns

Monica Collett, organizer of the new Jackson Science Cafe and Kristie Morris, Jackson County ISD are hosting the return of Jackson Science Cafe Monday evening, March 1 at 6pm.  The series will be held at Grand River Brewery and is free and open to all.  The brewery will offer their full menu for purchase during the event.  Other guests:  TIm Rogers, President and CEO, Enterprise Group;  Jane Robinson, Executive Director, Reading Writing Connection;  Danielle Pequet and Diane Derby, Jackson County Department on Aging and Jackson County Friends of Seniors;  Brian Surgener, Jackson Coffee Company.

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Balanced Calendar Discussion Continues

All Jackson County school districts are hosting community forums on the balanced calendar concept being considered for the 2016-17 school year.  Jackson Public Schools Superintendent Jeff Beal will be hosting the next JPS forum on March 2 at 6pm at Sharp Park Academy.  Frost Elementary Principal Jeremy Patterson encouraged parents to attend as the districts are seeking community input.  Other guests:  Amy Reimann, Executive Director, Ella Sharp Museum;  National Engineers Week with Robert Uddin, Commonwealth Associates and Jonathan Wicks, GAI Consultants (Young Engineer of the Year);  Jessica Mitchell and Therese Hesslau, Jackson Kiwanis Club,  Teressa Delph Essay and Oratorical Contest organizers Alice Lewis and Jonathan Greene, City of Jackson Human Relations Commission.

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Congressman Urges Action on Homeland Security Funding

Congressman Tim Walberg will be headed back to Washington tonight and will be urging Senate Democrats to begin debate on a funding bill. The House already passed a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security. Now, Senate Democrats are filibustering to block debate. The congressman also reported on the House passage of new "No Child Left Behind" legislation that provides states more freedom in education decisions.    Other guests:  64th District State Representative Earl Poleski;  Cindy Lyons and Kim Medlock, Jackson Area Career Center (Open House, February 26);  Jack Travioli, Cork N Cap;  Rod Malloy, Dahlem;  Steve Trosin, JSO Affinity Series.

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Hockey Team Heads to State Championships

The Polly's Country Market Bantam B Hockey team will be competing in the state championships March 6-8 in Marquette.  On today's show team captain Barry Kennedy and assistant captains Brock Fitzpatrick and Connor Girard, team members and coach Chad Kennedy talked about the season and their accomplishments.  The team won their district championship earlier this month in Muskegon.  The "Fightin' Parrots have a season record of 31-4-0.  Other guests;  Andy Frounfelker, city councilman;  Dr. Brad Double, Double Chiropractic;  Phil Wrzesinski, The Toy House and Toys of the Month;  Oscar preview with Dave DeBaker;  Ric Walton, The Walton Insurance Group.

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Cold Weather Precautions

With record low temperatures and wind chills forecast for tonight and tomorrow, Jackson County Undersheriff Chris Kuhl offered safety tips to viewers, including installing a carbon monoxide detector and making sure your furnace is properly maintained.  Several warming stations will be open during the cold snap, including the Boos Center, all Jackson College facilities and both Jackson Meijer stores.  A complete list and details can be obtained by calling 211.  Other guests:  Shannon Hennessy, K105.3 Bridal Fair;  Ted Christoff, Christoff & Sons Floor Covering;  Pizza making at Laughlin's Slice of Spice;  Sue Chapel and Amy Kinder, Cascades Manor House.

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Northwest Students Create Endowment for Michigan Theatre

Northwest High School students Abby Nelson, Justus Faloon and Grant Kennell are among the 1st Hour Economics Class students who have launched an endowment for the Michigan Theatre.  The class chose the theatre for their service learning project from among several they studied.  Michigan Theatre Executive Director Steve Tucker said this is the first endowment the theatre has ever had.  The student's goal, through fundraisers and donations is $10,000.  To make a donation or request information, call  783-0962 or visit michigantheatre.org.  Other guests:  Hanover-Horton Superintendent John Denney;  Lee Hampton, Kelly Williams, AJ Wade and Kamarah Willis, Jackson College Men of Merit and Sisters of Strength;  Russ Jennings, McThirsty's with event promoter Bud Wolf;  Pet of the Week with Sue Lovell, Cascades Humane Society.

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