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Due to the unseasonably warm weather, the leaves have not fallen in our area as much as expected this time of year. As a result, the City of Jackson has delayed the bagged leaf pickup by one week. The new schedule is as follows:
The Curbside Bagged Leaf Pickup Program will now start on Saturday, October 29 through Saturday, December 10. The City’s contractor will be picking up bagged leaves in biodegradable paper bags starting at 6:00 a.m. on the following dates.
Section 1 (South East area of City) will be picked up on Oct. 29 and Nov. 19
Section 2 (Northwest and Northern area of the City) will be picked up on Nov. 5 and Dec. 3
Section 3 (Southwest area of the City) will be picked up on Nov. 12 and Dec. 10
There will be two rounds of bagged leaf pickup in each area.
For a map of the bagged leaf pickup sections within the city, click the link (and disregard the dates on the map, we’re working on a new one):http://www.cityofjackson.org/DocumentCenter/View/4699
If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Public Works at (517) 788-4170 or visit the City website at www.cityofjackson.org.
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