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The City of Jackson has released its weekly update of street construction progress and plans for next week.  They include beginning the project to extend the Martin Luther King Equality Trail from the King Center to Washington Avenue near Consumers Energy.  The details:

Martin Luther King Equality Trail between Merriman Street and Washington Avenue

Next Monday (September 20, 2016), work on the City of Jackson project to upgrade the existing trail between Merriman Street and Biddle Street and to extend the trail to Washington Avenue will commence.  This project consist of widening the trail to meet current standards, replacing the pavement with new concrete, and improving curves and street crossings to accommodate all non-motorized users.  During the construction period, one of the two south-bound lanes of S. Cooper Street will be closed to create a work zone.  Work on this project is scheduled to be completed in early November 2016.

Cortland Street between Jackson and Mechanic

Cortland Street just east of Jackson Street is closed for work by Consumers Energy to replace underground electrical services.  This work involves the installation of a new PVC duct bank from an underground vault under the south side of Cortland Street through an alley to the backside of buildings that face Michigan Avenue.  To date, Cortland Street has been excavated and a portion of the PVC duct installed.  Duct installation is scheduled to be completed by the end of the week.  Next week, the new duct bank will be encased in concrete and the trench backfilled.  The week thereafter, the pavement cut will be restored with new asphalt before being opened to traffic. 

Francis Street between Washington and Glick

This work is a component of a larger project to repave the streets and upgrade sidewalks and ramps on Francis, Mechanic and Jackson Streets between Washington Avenue and Glick Highway.   To date, all concrete curb, sidewalk and ramp upgrades on Francis Street have been completed.  Francis Street is currently open to traffic and will remain so for approximately three weeks while the contractor works on concrete items on the east side of Jackson Street.  Once all Jackson Street concrete items are completed, Francis Street will be closed so the pavement surface can be removed with a mill and repaved with new asphalt.  To minimize costs, both Francis Street and Jackson Street will be milled and repaved concurrently.  

Glick Highway between Blackstone and Jackson

The project to install a liner in the 1907 clay sewer on Glick Highway was completed in the past week.

Jackson Street between Washington and Glick

In the past week, the last of the work to upgrade curbs, sidewalks and ramps on the west side of Jackson Street was completed.  Traffic has now been shifted to the west side of Jackson Street to create a work zone so that the same types of curb, sidewalk and ramp upgrades can be completed on the east side of the street. 

Next week, the contractor’s primary task will be the removal of those sections of curb, sidewalk and ramp on the east side of Jackson Street that are scheduled for replacement.  The following week, the concrete subcontractor will return and begin the task of placing the replacement concrete items.

Once all concrete work is complete, the surface of Jackson Street will be removed with a mill and repaved with a single course of asphalt.  Throughout the construction period, two way traffic will be maintained on Jackson Street with temporary signs and cones.

Mechanic Street between Morrell Street and Washington Avenue

For the past week, the contractor has been installing storm water catch basins and storm sewer pipe between Mason Street and Washington Avenue.  This task is scheduled to be completed early next week.  Immediately thereafter, a concrete crew will arrive to begin the work of placing concrete for the new curb and gutter and those sections of sidewalk that have been removed.  While the concrete crew works between Mason and Washington, the excavation crew will continue work on sewer items south of Mason Street.

Michigan Avenue between Blackstone Street and Francis Street

In the past week, the work of pulling wire through the previously installed underground conduits was completed.  Next week, the electrician’s crew will install receptacles in each of the boxes at the base of each tree between Blackstone and Francis Street.  The landscaping subcontractor will shortly start work to plant decorative grasses and perennials within the planter beds between Jackson Street and Mechanic Street.

Wisner Street and Wildwood Avenue Railroad Crossing Upgrades

The project by Amtrak and the Michigan Department of Transportation to upgrade the crossings to accommodate higher service levels for trains continues.  For approximately two more weeks, Wisner and Wildwood will remain completely closed to traffic at the railroad crossings.  These streets remain open for patrons and employees accessing businesses.

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