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JTV file photo by Ryan Kerwin

Derek Dobies, 6th Ward City Council member and Jackson Vice Mayor,  today announced his candidacy for Mayor of Jackson.

“I believe in a brighter future for Jackson. As Mayor, I’ll be new, energetic leadership fighting for progress towards that vision,” said Derek Dobies in a news release. “We can’t slow down, we shouldn’t settle for the status quo. I’m not scared of rolling up my sleeves and challenging the good ol’ boys establishment to secure progress for our community.”

Dobies was first elected to the 6th Ward City Council seat in 2011, and reelected in 2015. He has also served as Vice Mayor since 2013.

Dobies highlighted several areas he has focused on as Council member, including the blight elimination and demolition program, economic development, road construction and public safety.

The fundraising for CP Federal City Square and the Glidden Parker Mural restoration was spear-headed by Dobies.  In the release, Dobies says he personally worked to raise over $435,000 in grants and corporate sponsorships.

Dobies said he plans to focus his campaign on fixing roads and crumbling infrastructure, combating crime and improving public safety, fostering job creation and economic development, improving financial health and pension liabilities, eliminating blight and cleaning up neighborhoods, and dealing with poverty in the city.

“This isn’t a decision between more or less government. People simply want government that works: smarter, more data-driven government. One that can solve the problems people see in our city. I want to lead a city that fearlessly confronts those tough problems we face,” Dobies said. 

Dobies is the son of two public school teachers, a graduate of Michigan State University, and owns and operates Aramis Designs, LLC – a communications and design business. He currently serves on the City Planning Commission, the Ella Sharp Park Board of Trustees, and the City Parks and Recreation Commission. He’s also served on the Jackson Housing Commission, the Jackson Public Art Commission, and the Jackson Friendly Home Board. In the community he serves on the John George Home Board, volunteers as a Merit Badge Counselor to local Boy Scout troops, and is a member of the Jackson Eye-openers Lions Club. He is married to wife Danielle and has an 8 month old daughter, Novalee Rae.

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