(October 1, 2021 11:22 AM) Today is National Manufacturing Day and the Enterprise Group of Jackson is celebrating the day and the start of Manufacturing Month with a virtual experience.
The Fifth Annual Jackson County Manufacturing Day is being held virtually again this year. Instead of opening doors to hundreds of students, The Enterprise Group of Jackson was the leader in the production of a virtual event that includes presentations, processes, and other great content from school representatives and their manufacturing partners. As part of an effort to change perceptions about today’s manufacturing environment and draw attention to the outstanding opportunities that a career in manufacturing can provide; Alro Steel, Lomar Machine & Tool, Michigan Automotive Compressor, Inc., Orbitform, Technique, Inc., Jackson College, Northwest School District, along with JTV, partnered with the EG to coordinate the video, which is available for viewing at http://enterprisegroup.org. Jackson County middle and high school classes are viewing the video today as part of the EG’s outreach.
One in-person MFG Day event is being held today at Lomar Machine & Tool. Lomar is hosting tours for the Hanover Horton 7th grade class, as well as the Concord 7th and 8th grade Robotics classes.
Additional community resources have been developed to support Manufacturing Day. The Shop Rat Foundation developed and released a free mobile app, ‘On the Job 360’, that includes 360° video tours of numerous local manufacturing facilities, as well as both first-person and 360° career spotlight videos. Details at: https://www.shoprat.org//