Jackson College Winter Film Series. Explore filmmaking and enjoy movies from classic to contemporary with Jackson College’s 42nd Annual Winter Film Series. The Winter Film Series is held annually at the Michigan Theatre in downtown Jackson as part of the College’s English 210 Films as Literature class. Community members are welcome. Films begin at 7:15 p.m. on Mondays; cost $5 per person. Tonight: “Wonder Woman”.
Yoga at the Meijer Branch, Jackson District Library every Monday and Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Jeanette Lamphere teaches this yoga class. Suggested donation of $3. Intended for adults.
Family Story Time at the Carnegie Branch, Jackson District Library. Join us every Monday at 6 p.m., starting February 5, for stories, crafts and more. Intended for ages 0-7 and their families.
Ukelele Jam Session. Grab your ukulele and come jam with us on Monday, February 12 & 26 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. If you are a new player, we will have an extra ukulele on hand. Information on how to play will be available, but these are not lessons. Intended for adults. Eastern Branch, Jackson District Library. 517-788-4074, 3125 E. Michigan Ave. Jackson.
Grass Lake Literary and Chocolate Society. Get your sweet tooth ready and join us on Monday, February 12 at 6 p.m. as we discuss our favorite memoirs. New members are always welcome. Intended for adults. Grass Lake Branch, Jackson District Library. 517-522-8211, 130 W. Michigan Ave. Grass Lake.