Jackson College Winter Film Series: Fargo. “Fargo” is a reality-based crime drama set in Minnesota in 1987. Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy) is a car salesman in Minneapolis who has gotten himself into debt and is so desperate for money that he hires two thugs (Steve Buscemi and Peter Stormare) to kidnap his own wife. Jerry will collect the ransom from her wealthy father (Harve Presnell), paying the thugs a small portion and keeping the rest to satisfy his debts. The scheme collapses when the thugs shoot a state trooper. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Auditorium doors open at 7 pm. Film begins at 7:15 pm. Admission is $5. Michigan Theatre, Downtown Jackson.
Restoring the Village 2 Lecture Series. 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. We are thrilled to celebrate Black History Month in Jackson with the return of RESTORING THE VILLAGE 2 Lecture Series. There will be featured presentations by Nacoya Weatherspoon, Dr. Ashley Woodson, Akearah Anderson and Hakim Crampton. Hosted this year by Ingham County Commissioner for District 5, Myles Johnson and Equity and Engagement expert Myeshia Jones. Brought to you by SouthsideFestivalSeries, this is a FREE event and all are welcomed and encouraged to bring the children of the village. Jackson District Library, 244 W. Michigan Ave., Jackson. For more info, visit the Event page here or contact: SouthsideSummerFest@gmail.com
2023 Young Poets Competition. The 19th Annual Young Poets Contest is here! We will be accepting original poetry submissions by Jackson County K-12 students (including homeschooled students) through March 1. Young Poets is a great way to get students thinking and writing creatively, as well as offering the chance to be published in a library anthology. For more information on contest rules, how to enter and prizes, click here.
Jackson Southwest Little League Registration. 2023 Registration now open. Register your son or daughter to play T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Softball or Baseball with Jackson Southwest Little League. 2023 Season is getting ready to start! You must live within the boundaries and/or attend a school that is in the boundaries of Jackson Southwest Little League in order to be eligible in our league. If you have any questions/concerns please contact Pam Bildner at 517-782-7439 or send an e-mail to the following e-mail address: JSWLLDist3@yahoo.com. DIVISIONS: League age is determined by Child’s age as of December 31, 2022 for girls and August 31, 2023 for boys: T-Ball: Ages 4 & 5, Coach Pitch Ages: 5 & 6 Intermediate Minors Baseball 7 & 8, Minors Baseball Ages: 9 & 10 Minors Softball Ages: 8, 9 & 10, 50/70 Intermediate Baseball Ages: 13 Majors Baseball & Softball Ages: 11 & 12, Juniors Baseball Ages: 13 & 14 Senior Baseball & Softball Ages: 15 & 16. You may register on line @ http://clubs.bluesombrero.com/jsll.