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Jackson College Film Series: “Rear Window”.   The story of a recuperating news photographer who believes he has witnessed a murder. Confined to a wheelchair after an accident, he spends his time watching the occupants of neighboring apartments through a telephoto lens and binoculars and becomes convinced that a murder has taken place. Doors open at 7:00 P.M.  Film Starts at 7:15 P.M.  Admission 5 Dollars. Michigan Theatre, Downtown Jackson.

Henry Ford Health Comes to Campus.  11 AM to 1 PM.  Learn more about career & internship opportunities with Henry Ford Jackson on Monday, Sept. 18, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the Potter Center Dining Commons, Jackson College.

Constitution Day:  Celebrating the Constitution with the Wagner Faith & Freedom Center. 4 PM to 5 PM.  Prof. William Wagner, Distinguished Chair of the Wagner Faith & Freedom Center, will discuss the continuing relevance of the Constitution in an increasingly divided culture.  Spring Arbor University Student Center, 106 E Main St, Spring Arbor.  This event is free and open to the public.

Low Cost Pet Vaccine Clinic.  CHS is hosting a low-cost pet vaccine clinic on Monday, September 18th from 8 AM until 12 PM! Appointments are every 15 minutes. Please make one appointment per pet you are bringing. Walk-ins are also welcome and will be fit in around the appointments!  Event page here.

Cards, Cookies, and Conversations.  The Arbor Grove Congregational Church’s Missions committee is sponsoring a “Cards, Cookies, and Conversation” game day. We are looking to talk to our neighbors and interact with our neighborhood and community. All are welcome to this event which will be held downstairs in Fellowship Hall. We are planning to play/ learn Euchre but will also have other options if people are interested.  For more questions or information, please contact our church secretary at 517-784-4824 or agccsecretary@gmail.com.  2621 McCain Road, Jackson.

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