October 1
Grand River Farmers Market. The Grand River Farmers Market at the corner of Louis Glick and Pearl Streets in Jackson is open Fridays and Saturdays, 9-2. Lots of great new vendors, and our favorite regulars too! A great selection of local seasonal produce is available. Buy local at the Grand River Farmers Market and receive the freshest produce in the area. Now accepting credit cards and bridge cards. http://grandriverfarmersmarket.com/(517) 788-4355. Follow their Facebook page.
Antique Show and Flea Market. Friday and Saturday, 10 AM to 5 PM. Inside & Outside the American 1 Event Center at Keeley Park. Free Parking provided! This show is a pickers dream with 1000’s of unique items! The Jackson Antique & Flea Market Show has been running for over 21 years now and is a very unique show where you’ll find anything from Glassware, Cast Iron Cookware, Furniture, Bird Houses, Dolls, Toys, Beer Signs, Jewelry (Antique & New), Primitives, Socks, Walking Canes, Knifes, Books, Coins, Antiques, Hunting / Fishing, Candles, Bedding / Blankets, Tools, Bread, Pies, Wood Carvings, Sweat / T-shirts, Figurines, NASCAR, Flea Market Finds, Treasures and More! Price: Admission $3.00 Per Person kids under 10 free. For more info go to midmichigansupershows.com
Walk to End Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® is full of flowers, each carried by someone committed to ending this disease. Because like flowers, our participants don’t stop when something’s in their way. They keep raising funds and awareness for a breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. Walk to End Alzheimer’s is happening — and you can join us at your local event or Walk From Home in your neighborhood. Per CDC guidelines around crowded outdoor settings, we ask that all Walk attendees be vaccinated against COVID-19 or wear a mask when in an overcrowded area. Masks will be available on-site. Time: Registration at 5 p.m., Ceremony at 6 p.m. Walk at 6:15 p.m. Horace Blackman Park, Downtown Jackson.
Henry Ford Allegiance Health Remote Race to Health. Your health matters—to you, to your family, and to Henry Ford Allegiance. You’ve motivated them to host the annual REMOTE Race to Health for more than three decades because they want you to have opportunities to move and make a positive difference in your overall well-being. Plus, it’s fun! Henry Ford Allegiance REMOTE 5K Race to Health. You Pick the Date! You Pick the Route! The health of our community is our top priority. For your safety and the well-being of our community, this year’s race/walk will be held virtually. Select your route, then pick the date to complete your 5K run or walk: Now through Sunday, October 3. Registered participants who complete the race/walk will receive a T-shirt, headband, and a medal! Visit HenryFord.com/Race to register.
October 2
Antique Show and Flea Market. Friday and Saturday, 10 AM to 5 PM. Inside & Outside the American 1 Event Center at Keeley Park. Free Parking provided! This show is a pickers dream with 1000’s of unique items! The Jackson Antique & Flea Market Show has been running for over 21 years now and is a very unique show where you’ll find anything from Glassware, Cast Iron Cookware, Furniture, Bird Houses, Dolls, Toys, Beer Signs, Jewelry (Antique & New), Primitives, Socks, Walking Canes, Knifes, Books, Coins, Antiques, Hunting / Fishing, Candles, Bedding / Blankets, Tools, Bread, Pies, Wood Carvings, Sweat / T-shirts, Figurines, NASCAR, Flea Market Finds, Treasures and More! Price: Admission $3.00 Per Person kids under 10 free. For more info go to Midmichigansupershows.com
Le Cirque Esprit’s Spirit of the Machine. 7 PM. Jackson College Potter Center is proud to announce the shows will go on for the 2021-22 season! With improvements to the Harold Sheffer Music Hall, audiences will enjoy an outstanding entertainment experience! (new seats, new carpet, and a handrail down the center aisle). This season’s schedule kicks off with: LE CIRQUE ESPRIT’S ‘SPIRIT OF THE MACHINE’. Sat., Oct. 2, 7:00 PM. Le Cirque Esprit brings its latest creation, Spirit of the Machine. The new show, featuring cirque by the Boston Circus Guild and LIVE music by contemporary pioneers cordis, is based on the Greek mythological tale of Talos – ‘the first machine’ – and features mechanical instruments such as 1902 Victor Talking Machine, a large custom-made music box, and a pocket watch. It’s packed with breathtaking acrobatics and aerial acts paired with classic steampunk-era circus artistry. Great entertainment for the entire family! TICKET INFORMATION: Jccmi.edu/pottercenter/ticket-information/ or 517-796-8600
Across the Genres with Warp Trio. Jackson Symphony Orchestra Music on Tap Series. 8 PM. Weatherwax Hall, Downtown Jackson. Reflecting the combination of Juilliard-trained members juxtaposed with members steeped in rock and jazz styles, the one-of-a-kind trio (that even has a fourth member!) brings an electrifying performance to Weatherwax Hall. Join us on a journey across the genres with this internationally touring remixed chamber music experience. Information and tickets here.
October 3
A Walk Through Jackson’s Past: A Guided Tour of Mt. Evergreen Cemetery. Event by Ella Sharp Museum. Time: 3pm, 4pm, or 5pm. Mt. Evergreen Cemetery, 1047 Greenwood Ave, Jackson. Price: $15 for non-members, $10 for members. Tickets: ellasharpmuseum.org/classes-and-events/a-walk-through-jacksons-past. Please join Ella Sharp Museum for a guided tour through Jackson’s oldest cemetery: Mt. Evergreen Cemetery. You will hear about some of Jackson’s famous families and their stories including Ella Merriman Sharp, Austin Blair, William Sparks, and families such as Col. Christian Rath, Dr. Ira C. Backus, and Lucy Thurman. This rich history will take us back to the first child born in Jackson that survived to adulthood, through the Civil War and the creation of the Cascades Falls. This is a physical walk on a dirt path, up and downhills. This program is intended for people ages 8 and above.
Yardsaleapalooza. 10 AM to 4 PM. Children of all ages are welcome to come and make a craft, donations will be appreciated for the event. All money raised goes back into the community. This will take place during the YardSaleAPalooza Event at the Commonwealth Commerce Center. Yardsaleapalooza Autumn Edition 2021 Featuring Junk Or Treat. Free. Commonwealth Commerce Center, Downtown Jackson.