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Halloween Bash.  5 PM to 8 PM.  Games, Costume Contest (at 6:30 PM), and so much more!  Grass Lake Pavilion, Downtown Grass Lake.  Hosted by Skylar Harris, The Brokerage House.

Springport Trick or Treat.  The Jackson District Library Springport Branch is a Village of Springport Trick or Treat location from 6-8 PM on Halloween! The branch will be open one hour past normal closing time to match village Trick or Treating hours.

Jackson Open Interviews.  Join Dean Transportation for open interviews in Jackson on Tuesday, October 31st from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Learn more about our openings for school bus drivers, school bus attendants, school bus monitors and service technicians supporting routes for Northwest Community Schools. School bus drivers start up to $20.55 per hour, attendants up to $16.25 per hour, monitors up to $15.25 per hour and service technicians based on certifications. Unable to attend? Apply online today at https://deandifference.com/car…/jobs/locations/jackson-mi/ 

Fall Christian Celebration.  6 PM to 8:30 PM.  It’s candy time!!! The annual Fall Christian Celebration… an alternative to Halloween at Lily Missionary Baptist Church. Bring the kids to a safe place and get BIG CANDY!!!  1117 W.G. Wade Drive, Jackson.

KLM 4th Annual Trunk N Treat Event.  5:30 PM to 6:30 PM.  Kingdom Life Ministries will be hosting our 4th Trunk -N- Treat community event. Costumes are encouraged, but not required. Event will begin at 5:30 pm-6:30 pm. Come out and enjoy a safer alternative to Trick Or Treating. You don’t want to miss this!   1098 Concord Square, Jackson.

Annual Hallelujah Party.  5:30 PM.  Come and enjoy a safe environment and an alternative to Halloween. Join us for games and fun for all ages, all the candy you can eat, and most importantly the word of God! Second Missionary Baptist Church, 304 E. Prospect Street, Jackson.

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