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Underground Railroad Presentation.  This presentation is part of the Jackson District Library’s monthly “Local Author Roundtable.” It is based on the upcoming book Hidden In Plain Sight: The Underground Railroad in Jackson County by Linda Hass. Ms. Hass, a resident and local historian, will present her findings; reveal the identities of  Underground Railroad agents and fugitives who came to Jackson, including one who is buried here; and she will describe her research process. The event will be held in the downstairs auditorium of the JDL’s Carnegie Branch. Experience Jackson also will describe its role in creating the walking tour rack cards associated with the Underground Railroad.  5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, Carnegie Branch, Jackson District Library.

Yoga at the Carnegie Branch, Jackson District Library.  Feeling stressed? Join us on every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., for yoga at the Carnegie Branch. Newbies to certified Yogis welcome. Intended for adults.

Mighty Naturalist Program at Dahlem.  10:00 – 11:00 AM.  Ages: 1-5 years old with a caregiver.  Fee: $5 per child ($4 member); free for adult and children under 1 year old.  Share your love of nature with your young child(ren). We will explore and play with nature while developing critical early childhood skills and growing self-confidence. The Mighty Naturalist Programs are geared toward children 5 years and younger with an adult caregiver to learn about animals, winter survival, birds, tracks, and more.   Today:  Winter Animal Tracks.  How animals make tracks can tell us what they are, what they’re doing and where they’re headed.  Let’s go on a hunt to see where animal tracks take us; across a trail and up a tree, along the stream, or maybe to a protected home hidden under trees?   Indoors we will use rubber tracks to create our own tracks and stories.  One step at a time and you’ll learn the common tracks we see this time of year.

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