(April 19, 2020 2:25 PM) A parade of fire, police, public safety and first responder vehicles traveled East Michigan Avenue and circled the campus of Henry Ford Allegiance Health Sunday afternoon. Blackman-Leoni Public Safety Officer Paul Long organized the tribute to health care workers. After getting approval from Henry Ford Allegiance Health, Long contacted area departments on Friday asking for their participation. After meeting and organizing in the East Michigan Avenue Meijer parking lot, the parade traveled East Michigan Avenue to the hospital. Health care workers watched and waved from windows and along the street. The vehicles lined the street in front of the hospital and first responders greeted health care workers. Photos by Bart Hawley, JTV. For prints or downloads, click here.
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Parading in more than two dozen fire trucks and other emergency vehicles, public safety personnel from 24 local agencies drove around the hospital campus. At the end of the parade, they parked their trucks in front of hospital on E. Michigan Avenue and waved to workers and patients. The following departments were represented in the parade:
• City of Jackson Police & Fire
• Chelsea Fire
• Onondaga Township Fire
• Parma-Sandstone Fire
• Pulaski Township Fire
• Columbia Twp. Police & Fire
• Spring Arbor Township Fire
• Jackson Co. Animal Control
• Hanover Township Fire
• Liberty Township Fire
• Blackman-Leoni Public Safety
• Michigan State Police
• HFAH Security
• Jackson Community Ambulance
• Napoleon Police
• Springport Police
• Grass Lake Township Fire
• Springport-Clarence Fire
• Henrietta Township Fire
• Rives-Tompkins Fire
• Summit Township Fire
• Jackson Co. Sheriff
- Concord Fire
The first responder parade was organized by Blackman-Leoni Public Safety Officer Paul Long. He was inspired by similar tributes in other communities and wanted to make sure Jackson’s health care workers and patients were recognized. “We’re all in this together. We just want everybody to appreciate the brave efforts that are going on all over the Jackson area to fight COVID-19. This is something small we can do to honor and uplift those who are fighting a big battle,” Officer Long said.
The hospital thanks the first responders for their tribute. “We are deeply honored that our community’s first responders would come together in such a powerful show of support for our frontline workers,” said Paula Autry, President and CEO of Henry Ford Allegiance Health. “These first responders are heroes in their own right, and their recognition means all that much more because of the sacrifices they make to keep us safe and protected every day.”
The city of Jackson created a video of the parade, it is available to view on YouTube and has been posted to the City of Jackson’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
JTV will air coverage of the parade Monday on The Morning Show and The Bart Hawley Show.