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MIS Bus Pic

BROOKLYN, Mich. (Sept. 16, 2013) – Michigan International Speedway is once again offering fans an opportunity to win an Extreme Bus Makeover in 2014. Instead of talking about the newly painted buses at the races, it is your turn to be the talk of the weekend.

But hurry, because like the speeds at NASCAR’s fastest track, the time to submit your bid is quickly coming to an end. Don’t miss your chance to camp at Michigan International Speedway for the races in style. It’s time to start submitting your winning bids for the fifth annual Extreme Bus Makeover.

Your race weekend transportation could be the lucky bus that is professionally designed, painted and decaled by the staff at MIS. Bidding concludes on Wednesday, Oct. 30. You can submit your winning bid online at http://bit.ly/16utr0F.

The winner will have the option of choosing one of two designs created by the MIS Sign Shop. Delivery of the bus to MIS will occur the week of February 3-7, 2014 and the winner will sign off on the design when the bus is dropped off.

The bus will be painted, decals will be applied and the bus will be revealed to the winner in May, giving the winner plenty of time to get acquainted with their new and improved ride before the 2014 Quicken Loans 400 weekend. Proceeds for the Extreme Bus Makeover will benefit MIS Cares, Michigan International Speedway’s official charity, and the NASCAR Foundation.

MIS currently has 9,000 campsites making it the largest registered campground in the State of Michigan. What better place to show your newly designed bus than in front of your friends during a race.

“It’s that time again to makeover the exterior of one lucky fan’s bus,” track president Roger Curtis said. “This idea has grown into a wonderful charitable event since its introduction in 2009. Everyone at MIS enjoys the event and the greatest reward is seeing the lucky fan’s face upon returning their newly repainted bus.”

Restrictions and limitations include but are not limited to: the two designs produced only by the MIS staff, no fabrications of the bus and strictly paint and vinyl will be added to the exterior. The winner will be required to execute additional releases by MIS and the NASCAR Foundation.

This marks the fifth year of the Extreme Bus Makeover at MIS. The idea started as a quick decision to do something unique and different for one lucky fan and has blossomed into an annual charitable tradition that will be remembered by winners forever.

Nancy Lantz from Delta, Ohio, submitted the winning bid for the 2013 event. She and her husband Rick have been avid race fans who have come to MIS for 22 years. About eight years ago, the Lantz’s decided to ditch their grandstand seats for a spot in the infield. When Curtis originally saw their plain yellow bus, he joked with the Lantz’s that it could use a makeover. Lantz soon entered the contest and was amazed when her bus was unveiled.

“We love it,” Lantz said with enthusiasm during the unveiling in May. “The guys did an awesome job.”

Lantz and three previous winners before her have all made a big difference to MIS Cares and the NASCAR Foundation. Now it’s your chance to make a difference.

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