Grass Lakes Community Schools Superintendent Brad Hamilton provided an update on happenings in Grass Lake, including a preview of the upcoming Grass Lake Chamber of Commerce Spring Expo. It will be held at the High School on Saturday, March 15 from 10am to 5pm and Sunday March 16 from 12 Noon to 4pm. A record number of exhibitors will be on hand for this free event, open to all ages. Other guests: Fitness Council of Jackson Executive Director Nic Pangborn with Girl Quest & Boy Quest Coordinator Jennie Lapp; Author Laurie Lazebnik with Rick Davies and Michael Thompson. Laurie has written “The Atomic Sailor” while Rick and Michael shared their personal war experiences; Sue Lewis, Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Jackson, Hillsdale and Lenawee with board member Sr. Barb Quincy. St. Patrick’s Day box lunches will be available from the agency, reservations here; Pet of the Week with Sue Lovell, Cascades Humane Society.