(April 1, 2022 12:30 PM) The Jackson County Health Department has announced plans for observing National Public Health Week:
Each year the first week of April is designated as National Public Health Week. Public health workers at the Jackson County Health Department and in health departments across the state and nation work to ensure residents have access to clean water, safe foods, smoke free air, disease prevention education, and the skills and resources to ensure a healthy start in life. In addition to these basic needs, public health workers strive to identify the causes of poor health and disease within our communities, while taking into account the needs and barriers that prevent individuals from achieving optimal health.
Each day of National Public Health Week spotlights a different topic or focus area that faces the people who live, learn, and work in our country. This year’s Daily Themes focus on some of the important issues facing our nation. We encourage you to use these themes to start conversations in your organizations, churches, and community, and reach out to find ways to work together and improve the health of Jackson County.
MONDAY – Public Health is Where You Are
The goal of National Public Health Week is to encourage communities across the United States to recognize the value of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation’s health. For the last 25 years, the American Public Health Association has served as the organizer of NPHW. This year’s theme is “Public Health is Where You Are”. Visit http://www.NPHW.org to learn more about National Public Health Week.
TUESDAY – Public Health Workforce: Essential to our Future
The Jackson County Health Department works every day to create a healthier community. We provide services and guidance to children and adults across the county. Water supply and septic systems, nutritional assistance, hearing and vision testing, lead poisoning case management, maternal and infant health assistance, HIV/AIDS testing, and restaurant inspections are just some of the programs we conduct. For more information on the services we offer, visit our website.
WEDNESDAY – Community: Collaboration and Resilience
We couldn’t do all of our focused efforts without you and the other great organizations in Jackson County. We all work together to provide opportunities for all residents to lead healthy and vibrant lives. The Jackson County Health Improvement Organization Community Action Plan gives insight into local efforts and initiatives.
THURSDAY – World Health Day
World Health Day is celebrated annually to draw attention to specific health topics affecting many areas of our world. For 2022, the goal is to consider actions that help to keep humans and the planet healthy. Public Health officials are always looking to identify the disparities that exist within a population so that we can tailor our efforts to have the most positive impact.
FRIDAY – Accessibility: Closing the Health Equity Gap
It is estimated that 26% of American adults live with a disability. Those with disabilities may find it harder to access or afford health care. We can work together to improve the health of people living with disabilities and other marginalized groups by reducing health disparities in health insurance, increasing physical accessibility to care, increasing availability of appropriate care, building more inclusive public health programs and promoting healthy living.
National Public Health Week looks at many of the factors that impact the health of our community. Watch for informative posts on the Jackson County Health Department Facebook page throughout the week as we highlight our programs and activities. For more information about the Jackson County Health Department, please visit our webpage at https://www.mijackson.org/276/Health-Department For details about National Public Health Week, please visit, www.nphw.org.