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jacobsonLarry Jacobson, JTV Sports

After Lumen Christi High School senior Angela Hubert signed her letter-of-intent to play basketball at Davenport University (near Grand Rapids) on Monday morning, there was one final item to take care of: Her senior year of high school.

“I feel like I can really enjoy my senior year now,” Hubert said after the short ceremony with her parents, family and school administrators from both Davenport and Lumen Christi. “It’s a big relief to make the commitment and to be able to say it’s done. I’m really excited about this year and beyond.”

Ironically, what Angela enjoyed about Lumen Christi is what attracted her to Davenport.

“There’s a real feeling of family and community here at Lumen Christi – from the students to the faculty,” she said. “I’m going to miss that about Lumen Christi, but I got that same feeling about Davenport. It’s a great fit for me. I really like the whole coaching staff and the other players and I just felt at home there.”

Hubert, who averaged just over 12 points a game and shot nearly 80% from the free throw line last year for the Titans, spent time at an open-gym session at Davenport recently and that time helped affirm her decision to become a Panther. While in college, she plans on studying Health Service Administration.

Her high school coach, however, isn’t so excited to see her leave.

“I don’t think we’ll ever have another Angela Hubert,” Mike Wilson said. “Her work ethic and tenacity – the way she just keeps pushing herself to become better and better – are just amazing. She has always, from the moment I met her, said she wanted to play college ball, and she worked at every aspect of her game to get ready for it. She’s been truly outstanding for us.”

With the decision to become a Davenport Panther out of the way, Angela can turn her attention to her last year of high school basketball and graduation in the spring. First up, though, was a test in one of her classes that she was able to put back a couple of hours because of the ceremony to sign her basketball letter.

I told her she’d better do well on the test because both of her coaches (Mike Wilson from Lumen Christi and Mike Williams from Davenport) were on hand and might want to check those results.

Angela didn’t seem too concerned. That’s what preparation will do for you.

(Photo courtesy of Mike Wilson)


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