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(July 28, 2020 5:04 PM) The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will perform various work activities on the Cooper Street bridge over eastbound I-94. This work is part of the ongoing I-94 Corridor Project.

Starting on July 30 at 9 p.m. though July 31 at 5 AM, eastbound I-94 will be closed at Cooper Street for crews to remove construction materials. Traffic will be detoured to the eastbound I-94 Cooper Street off ramp and back on to the Cooper Street eastbound I-94.

On July 31 and Aug. 36, there will be daytime (9 AM to 3 PM) single lane closures along eastbound I-94 between Lansing Avenue and Elm Avenue. Crews will be performing surface coating and installing lighting on the Cooper Street bridge.

In the upcoming week, crews will continue reconstructing the median of I-94 by pouring a concrete barrier wall on westbound and eastbound I-94. Additionally, from Elm Avenue to Sargent Road, the contractor is working on grading and placing a concrete base course in the median.

Maintenance of traffic for this upcoming week will include, traffic being maintained on I-94 with a “split-merge” configuration and reduced speed zones along I-94 between Sargent Road and Elm Avenue. Traffic will be maintained between Elm Avenue and Lansing Avenue with shoulder closures and reduced speed zones.

Please follow posted detours. Motorists are advised to seek alternate routes.

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