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(June 9, 2020 4:22 PM) Michigan Department of Transportation is announcing ramp closures in today’s I-94 Project Update.

The Elm Avenue ramp to westbound I-94 will be closed, along with the westbound I-94 ramp to Cooper Street, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday.

Over the past few weeks, the contractor has completed pouring the bridge deck for the new westbound I-94 bridge over the Grand River. Also, paving of the continuously reinforced concrete pavement between Elm Avenue and Lansing Avenue has been completed. In addition, the contractor has completed resurfacing of eastbound and westbound I-94 from M-60 to Airport Road.

In the upcoming weeks, work will continue on the westbound I-94 bridge over the Grand River, including pouring concrete for the barrier wall. Crews will continue reconstructing westbound I-94 by placing the concrete shoulders on westbound I-94 as well as directional boring conduit. Additionally, the contractor will continue resurfacing the left lane of eastbound I-94 from Elm Avenue to Sargent Road. Once resurfacing is completed, the contractor will begin moving barrier wall to eastbound I-94 in preparation for the traffic shift that will be put in place during westbound I-94 resurfacing.

Traffic maintenance for this upcoming week will include a “split-merge” configuration and reduced speed zones along I-94 between Sargent Road and Elm Avenue. Traffic will be maintained between Elm Avenue and Lansing Avenue with shoulder closures and reduced speed zones. The Cooper Street ramp to westbound I-94 will be closed until mid-summer.        

An I-94 construction video has been uploaded to YouTube that provides further information about the ongoing project.        

For more information about the I-94 project, go to www.Michigan.gov/I94Jackson.

Photos courtesy Michigan Department of Transportation.

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