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Jackson College President Dr. Dan Phelan at a campus event last month.  JTV photo.

(July 13, 2023 5:08 PM ET)  Today, Jackson College released a statement supporting Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s creation of a new state department focused on early childhood education, higher education and education partnerships.  The Governor announced on Wednesday that the new department, under the executive branch, will handle some functions now under the scope of the Michigan Department of Education and other departments.

The statement released by Jackson College:

Jackson College applauds Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s creation of the new Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential, or MiLEAP, and looks forward to working with this new department to provide Michigan’s residents opportunities to succeed.

MiLEAP has a bold but necessary goal – building an education system from preschool through postsecondary that can support kids, families, and the economy of the future by ensuring anyone can make it in Michigan. The executive order creates a cabinet-level director to oversee the department and report to the governor.

Jackson College has long recognized the need for lifelong learning, especially as the workplace continues to change and advance. A high school diploma will not offer the opportunity it did 50 years ago. A postsecondary credential, be it a college degree or certificate, is necessary. Jackson College has been actively involved in increasing the number of students who persist and complete a college education – called the Total Commitment to Student Success. Those efforts coincide with the MiLEAP announcement.

Bringing together efforts from preschool to postsecondary – including the creation of an Office of Higher Education – can bring the combined knowledge and creativity of many individuals to focus on that bold goal, creating a brighter future for Michigan. Jackson College appreciates the effort, as well as the affirmation of the autonomy of the local elected boards, such as the College’s own Board of Trustees. Local leaders are connected to their communities and their institutions, bringing insight and knowledge to best suit their constituency. It is encouraging that the state wants to provide more collaboration and coordination in higher education in the service of our students.

Jackson College President Dan Phelan spoke with Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist Wednesday to express interest in looking at students as “whole students,” recognizing their needs beyond the classroom – healthcare, housing, food, mental health, clothing, for example. Jackson College has focused efforts in these areas in recent years, opening a campus health clinic, mental health Oasis Center, dental hygiene clinic, a professional clothing pantry, and providing food coupons to students in need as part of the “hunger-free campus” initiative. The impetus behind these efforts is understanding that hungry, ill, or homeless students will probably struggle in the classroom. The College looks forward to aligning support and services with the state.

As part of MiLEAP’s initiative, Jackson College looks forward to working together on developing additional programs and resources that will benefit students and allow more residents to pursue and complete their goals, building a stronger Michigan for all.


Earlier this week, Governor Whitmer signed an executive order establishing the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential, or MiLEAP. The new department will be tasked with improving outcomes from preschool through postsecondary so anyone can ‘make it in Michigan.’ MiLEAP will achieve this goal by establishing clear metrics, collaborating with cross-sector leaders at the local, regional, and state level, and developing a shared action plan. 

“Every Michigander deserves a path to ‘make it in Michigan’ with strong, lifelong learning support,” said Governor Whitmer. “For too long, we have thought of education as K-12, but we know that’s not good enough. I’m establishing MiLEAP today because we need to get every kid started early, in pre-K, so they succeed in kindergarten, have paths after graduation to get higher education tuition-free, and forge strong partnerships with our employers so they can get a good-paying, high-skill, and in-demand job. MiLEAP will help our learning ecosystem take the jump to the next level as we grow our economy and build a brighter future for Michigan.” 

The Governor announced MiLEAP will have three broad goals: 

  • Add capacity in our early learning team, so every child is ready for kindergarten.  
  • Accelerate progress toward our Sixty by 30 goal, so everyone can earn a skill certificate or degree after high school, tuition-free.  
  • Prioritize community, regional, and state partnerships that help our students succeed.   

MiLEAP will be led by a Director, appointed by the governor. The Director will join the governor’s Cabinet.  

To focus on the three topline goals above, MiLEAP will be comprised of three offices: 

  1. Office of Early Childhood Education: lead statewide efforts to ensure that all young children meet their developmental milestones and enter kindergarten with the tools and ability to succeed in school. Oversee programs and policies statewide related to early learning and care, family engagement and education, pre-K, and child care.  
  2. Office of Higher Education: lead statewide efforts to ensure that every Michigander has the skill certificate or degree they need to prosper, and help employers hire the talent they need to succeed. The Office will lead administration of state student financial aid to lower the cost of college and assist prospective students in making decisions about postsecondary education. Also work to increase college enrollment, graduation, and attainment rates.  
  3. Office of Education Partnerships: lead statewide efforts to build and sustain partnerships that enhance educational opportunities and outcomes throughout the state from preschool through postsecondary education. Broaden perspectives represented in decision-making, including by providing staffing and support to commissions appointed by the Governor. Expand access to programs that extend learning beyond the classroom (before school, after school, summer programming, employer-partnerships). 

All three Offices will collaborate with other State of Michigan departments and entities, as needed, to achieve their goals.  

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