(October 27, 2020 4:57 PM) In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Michigan Supreme Court established a 4-Phased plan for returning court operations to full capacity. Jackson County Courts moved to Phase 3 on July 13, 2020, which allowed for the reopening of in-person services to the general public on July 13, 2020. Recent COVID-19 data indicates an ongoing, upward trajectory in documented cases and positivity rates within the last 14 days in Jackson County. As a result of this increase, and the guidelines set forth by the Supreme Court, Jackson County Courts are required to revert to Phase 2 operations with restrictive conditions for in-person services, until further notice. The following courts and departments are affected by this Phase change: 4th Circuit Court, 12th District Court, Probate Court, County Clerk, Prosecuting Attorney and Friend of the Court.
For the general public, this means:
1. Court offices will not be open to serve the general public on a ‘walk-in’ basis.
2. Most court hearings will be conducted virtually via Zoom. Instructions can be found online at https://www.mijackson.org/2310/COVID-19-Courthouse-information and will be provided to all parties along with their notice or by calling the court. If you have an attorney and you are uncertain about whether you should appear in person or how to appear remotely, contact your attorney immediately.
3. Individuals will be allowed into the courthouse only under specific conditions. Unless you are noticed to appear in-person for a specific hearing or appointment with court staff, the general public will not be admitted into the courts’ facilities.
4. County Clerk services that will remain in-person are New Concealed Pistol License, Marriage Licenses and Notary Public.
5. Everyone entering the courthouse will be required to complete a health screening and must wear a mask at all times while in the courthouse.
6. Many services at the courthouse can be conducted remotely.
For more information on court hearings, services and emergency filings, please call:
Circuit Court cases /County Clerk: 517-788-4268
County Clerk Vitals: 517-788-4265
District Court cases: 517-788-4260
Probate Court cases: 517-788-4290
District Court on-line services: www.d12.com
County Clerk on-line services: https://www.mijackson.org/294/County-Clerk
Jackson County Public Defender’s office: 517-768-6842
Friend of the Court: 517-788-4470; https://www.co.jackson.mi.us/482/Friend-of-the-Court
Election’s office: 517-768-6759
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