(February 22, 2022 12:00 PM) The Jackson County Health Department released the COVID-19 positive numbers for Jackson County. As of 12:00 PM today, there are 38,957 positive cases (cumulative), and 518 deaths (cumulative)*.
There are 67 new cases and 2 new deaths since Friday’s report.
As of February 21, there are 13 persons being treated as inpatients for COVID-19 at Henry Ford Allegiance Health.
The Jackson County Health Department has announced a change in reporting effective Oct. 6, 2021. Cases defined as probable will be reported in cumulative case and death counts. As additional methods of testing besides the PCR test have become more common, the amount of cases classified as probable has increased and are included to provide a more accurate picture of disease in our community.
Cumulative recovered, as of February 22: 35,706**
The cumulative numbers posted on Mondays include the data from Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Recovered numbers are being posted as received.
*These numbers do not reflect any cases or deaths identified through Michigan Department of Corrections. Their numbers are listed under a separate category and reported by the state at Michigan Statistics.
Cases reported involving Jackson County school students or staff are included in our posted numbers. For details regarding cases and outbreaks at Michigan schools please see https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163_98173_102480—,00.html
* Cases, Deaths, and Recovered all include confirmed and probable.
**Recovered is defined as the number of persons with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis who are alive 30 days post-onset (or referral date if onset is not available).
Confirmed Cases- PCR test processed at lab |
Probable Cases – rapid test by trained staff or symptomatic and contact with confirmed positive |
33,882 |
5,075 |
Probable cases include individuals with either a positive proctored rapid antigen test OR COVID-19 symptoms and an epidemiologic link to a confirmed COVID-19 case. If a probable case, during the isolation period, meets the criteria for a confirmed case they will be subtracted from the probable total and added to the confirmed case count.
For more in depth data see Michigan Coronavirus dashboard. https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163_98173—,00.html
Gender |
Number of Cases |
Percent |
Male |
17,820 |
45.7% |
Female |
20,75 |
52.8% |
Unknown |
562 |
1.4% |
The Age group is reported as a percentage of the total instead of the actual number.
Age – Years |
Percent |
0 -19 |
20.2% |
20 – 29 |
16.4% |
30 – 39 |
16.0% |
40 – 49 |
13.7% |
50 – 59 |
14.2% |
60 – 69 |
10.1% |
70 -79 |
5.5% |
80 |
3.6% |
Unknown |
0.3% |
Note: Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding
Race |
% of overall case by race |
Caucasian |
68.1% |
Black or African American |
6.5% |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
0.4% |
Asian |
0.4% |
Hawaiian / Pacific Islander |
0.1% |
Multiple Races |
0.7% |
Other |
5.9% |
Unknown |
17.9% |
Ethnicity |
% of overall case by ethnicity |
Non-Hispanic/Latino |
72.8% |
Hispanic / Latino |
2.9% |
Unknown |
24.2% |
Epicurve Data
The Epicurve graph available (thru 2/20/2022) will allow you to see how the daily number of cases have gone up and down since the first case was identified in March. You can open the Epicurve Data here. EpiCurve data will be posted each Monday according to the template which collects and runs the numbers.