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(December 28, 2020 2:02 PM) The Jackson County Health Department has received its first shipment of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.  Staff of agencies and departments in the first priority group will receive these initial doses.  Vaccination of the various groups in the first phase will be a joint effort involving the hospital, health department, and local pharmacies.  The next shipments of Moderna vaccine will used for nursing homes and congregate care settings.  In a few weeks, health departments will receive additional doses in order to continue vaccinating the 1A groups in our county. 

To best allocate the initial shipments of vaccine, distribution in Michigan will be in phases and Jackson County will follow the guidance provided by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services https://www.michigan.gov/documents/coronavirus/MI_COVID-19_Vaccination_Prioritization_Guidance_710349_7.pdf

The prioritization guidance has an emphasis on ensuring continued functioning of the health care system and essential services in the community, and protecting people at increased risk for severe COVID-19 illness. Clinics will not be available for the general public until vaccine has been provided to those in phase 1A, 1B, and 1C.

“We understand the desire of all residents to receive the vaccine as soon as possible.” said Rashmi Travis, Jackson County Health Officer. “The vaccine has started to arrive here in Jackson County and across the country and this is excellent news. There are many more long weeks and months ahead of us, but we are very hopeful and optimistic for the future. We are following the guidance and recommendations of our national, state and local experts as we manage the supply of vaccine with all who request it.”

There are many online resources available to learn more about COVID-19 vaccines.  CDC’s Moderna vaccine link is https://bit.ly/3h7TTqA  The MDHHS vaccine page, which includes information and a dashboard of vaccine shipped and distributed can be found at  https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98178_103214—,00.html  Vaccine specific information is located on the Jackson County Health Department website at https://www.mijackson.org/2442/COVID-Vaccine

COVID-19 questions can be directed to the Jackson County Health Department at (517) 788-4420, Option 9 or emailjchdcovid@mijackson.org. Visit the health department website at http://www.mijackson.org/hd and click on COVID-19 news or follow us on Facebook.

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