(November 22, 2022 10:53 AM) City of Jackson residents traveling out of town for the holidays can have extra peace of mind about leaving their house behind by participating in the Jackson Police Department’s Vacation Watch Program. By submitting a form through the City website, residents inform the department about when they will be away so patrol officers keep an extra eye on their home.
Since 2014, Jackson police have accepted hundreds of watch requests from residents. The Vacation Watch Request Form has residents submit basic details about their home and other important information they want officers to know. After verifying the submission with the homeowner, patrol officers in the neighborhood will periodically check on the house for signs of a problem. The information remains confidential and can only be accessed by the police department. Residents may also print the form from the City website for a mail or drop-off submission.
Elmer Hitt, Director of Police and Fire Services, says his department offers this program year-round, but it’s important not to overlook home security during the holidays. “Our officers are on duty 24/7 and these checks are an important part of their daily patrols,” Hitt said. “We hope this program will be a simple thing we can do to offer some extra peace of mind for residents traveling during the holiday season.”
This program is only offered for properties within the City of Jackson. Those living outside the City should contact their local law enforcement agency to see if a similar service is offered.