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Molly Kaser and Jeff Beal
Molly Kaser and Jeff Beal

The Center for Family Health’s three Jackson Public School-based health centers are realizing successful outcomes of their primary goals.  Overall health of children has improved since the first center opened in 2005, children have better and easier access to health care and students are missing less class time due to health issues. Jackson Public Schools Superindendent Jeff Beal and Center for Family Health CEO Molly Kaser noted nearly 5,000 visits were recorded at the three centers in the last calendar year.    The Centers have provided both physical and emotional health resources to administrators and teachers.    The Centers are housed at the Middle School at Parkside, Northeast Elementary and Jackson High School.  The Northeast clinic also offers dental services.  Other guests:  Cheryl Graham, Manager, Re-Store at Habitat for Humanity;  Kim Hastings, Executive Director, Jackson School of the Arts;  Jeff Beagle, Jackson YMCA Turkey Trot;  Jackson High School Principal Barbara Baird-Pauli with students Parker Wilkinson and Samantha Simonetti, “Thanksgiving Giving”.

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