(January 4, 2020 5:04 PM) Julie Wetherby, Chief Executive Officer of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging, has been elected President of the Area Agencies on Aging Association of Michigan. Area Agencies on Aging provide services and supports to older adults and persons with disabilities in all 83 Michigan counties.
Based in Lansing, the Area Agencies on Aging Association of Michigan (4AM) is a statewide group that advocates on behalf of Michigan seniors. Through 4AM, Area Agencies on Aging speak as a collective voice and act together to promote healthy aging, dignity, and independence.
“The role of 4AM is doubly important these days as our organizations continue to serve seniors and adults with disabilities during the pandemic,” said Julie Wetherby. “Our top priorities for the coming year include ensuring that home and community-based services are available to all who need them to live safely and independently in their own homes and local communities. We will be advocates for our direct care work force and for bringing the aging network together to stay strong and supportive of one another. I am extremely honored to have been chosen as 4AM President and look forward to meeting the challenges of 2021.”
Region 2 Area Agency on Aging manages aging network services in Hillsdale, Jackson, and Lenawee Counties. Julie and her husband have resided in the Brooklyn, Michigan area for more than thirty years.