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(March 17, 2020 11:02 AM)  City of Jackson Mayor Derek Dobies today declared a local State of Emergency within the City of Jackson.

The Mayor’s statement:

“The City of Jackson recognizes the threat to public health caused by the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. The City understands that in the coming weeks it will make difficult but necessary choices to protect the health of all residents and visitors, with special attention to its most vulnerable residents including our elderly, people with pre-existing health conditions, and those that live at or below the poverty line.

“Over the past several weeks, city administration has continuously reviewed the City’s response plan in relation to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, including the bold, preventative measures announced by the city in the past few days. The City has also engaged with nonprofit leaders in the beginnings of organizing a community response structure.

“It has become overwhelmingly obvious that our preparations and response will require a more formal incident command structure to direct the City resources necessary to protect the health and safety of our residents. Local resources will be utilized to the fullest extent possible, but we recognize the extent to which the threat may overwhelm those resources. There exists a need to create a more flexible and adaptive government that is capable of meeting the challenges our community may face as this pandemic evolves.

“To aid in preparedness efforts, today, March 17, 2020, in accordance with Section 10 of Act 390, P.A. 1976 as amended, I hereby declare that a local State of Emergency exists in the City of Jackson. This declaration activates the response and recovery aspects of the Emergency Actions Guidelines, ensuring that local resources will be utilized to the fullest extent possible, and that the Emergency Management Director/Coordinator works to coordinate all mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities that may be necessary on behalf of the City.

“These decisions are not taken lightly, and are made with the health and welfare of all members of our community as a top priority and responsibility.”

City staff have arranged for 10 handwashing and sanitizing stations to be placed all over the City of Jackson. A list of locations is provided below.

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