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BROOKLYN, Mich. (May 2, 2016) — College can be an expensive financial investment, but MIS Cares is hoping to make it a little easier for 14 local students taking the next step in furthering education.

As part of an ongoing initiative to promote learning among students at all educational levels, MIS Cares will award $1,000 scholarships to seven students from both Lenawee and Jackson Counties. The high school seniors will be recognized during a reception Tuesday in the Michigan Room at Michigan International Speedway.

Recipients include:

Student                          High School                  University                               Major

Ashlee Bartlett            Home Schooled          Spring Arbor                           Chemistry

Regan Bernstein         Columbia Central       Michigan Technological     Biomedical Engineering

Quentin Blonde          Concord                         Michigan State                      Electrical Technology

Kayla Burmis               Hanover-Horton         Michigan State                      Applied Engineering

Nnamdi Enwereuzo  Lenawee Christian     Michigan                                  Chemical Engineering

Brooke Huizenga       Lumen Christi              Michigan                                  Chemistry/Biology

Tiffany Jones               Northwest                    Lansing CC                               Dental Hygiene

Kyle Lakatos                 Sand Creek                   Michigan                                  Mechanical Engineering

Aubrey Masters         Sand Creek                   Western Michigan               Interior Design

Thomas Plummer      Columbia Central       Michigan                                  Mechanical Engineering

Rachel Rudd                 Columbia Central       Michigan                                  BSN/Nurse Practitioner

Grace Skinner              Home Schooled          Undecided                              Graphic Design

Austin Thompson      Onsted                           Michigan                                  Actuarial Mathematics & Statistics

Wyatt Wagoner          Tecumseh                     Michigan Technological     Mechanical Engineering


The scholarship was open to any graduating senior in Jackson or Lenawee County who was entering a STEAM-related (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) field at a college or university in Michigan.

“The changing world of NASCAR, and really society, increases the dependence on the study of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics,” MIS President Roger Curtis said. “As a parent of three children, I fully understand the financial investment of a college education. We are happy to honor 14 students in their educational pursuits through MIS Cares.”

The winners of these scholarships will receive the monetary award during the winners’ second semester, provided they have passed all first semester classes with a “B” or better grade.

As a donor advised fund of The NASCAR Foundation, the mission of MIS Cares is to assist and inspire youth within our community. The NASCAR Foundation is a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit entity.

Thanks to several local organizations, MIS Cares raised $7,500 of the $14,000 through a scholarship match challenge. Orbitform, Christoff & Sons Floor Covering Inc., Country Market, CP Federal Credit Union, R.W. Mercer Co., OmniSource, Childrenz Challenge, Iott Insurance, Michigan Community Credit Union, Signal 88 Security and Spring Arbor University each donated $500, and TAC Manufacturing and the Dryden Family Foundation each provided $1,000 towards the MIS Cares Scholarship Program.

MIS focuses on charity through the program MIS Cares. MIS and its sister company Americrown combined donated a total of $916,566.82 to local service groups and organizations through cash donations, work programs, grants and sponsorships, as well as tickets and merchandise that clubs raffle to raise money in 2015.

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