1988 Day
On Saturday, April 27, the 1988 Northwest Varsity Softball Team will be honored on the 25th anniversary of their appearance in the Class B State Championship game. Team members will be introduced between games of the scheduled doubleheader with Leslie which begins at 10:00AM,as well as a special tribute will be revealed. Any members who have not been contacted are asked to call Keith Huntley (517 784-8628) or the Northwest Athletic Department (517 817-4699).
NWHS Alumni Softball Day
The Softball program is planning on hosting an Alumni Day for their former VARSITY players. This will take place on Saturday, May 4th, 2013 at NWHS.
The purposes of the day are several with the first being an opportunity to promote a better relationship between our graduates and your High School. Second, we hope that it will be a day when old relationships are renewed and lots of fun is had by all. And third, it will be a fundraiser for our program.
If we have enough players we will each have two games, one for players Over 30 beginning at 10:00 AM, and one for those Under 30 beginning at 1:30 PM. We will also have a Home Run Hitting Contest (if there is interest)which will take place between the two games. Depending on the number of players and also time constraints, we will play either seven/or nine inning games. Our parents will have food, pop/water, candy, etc. available for purchase.
Donations will be either $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, $100.00 or more if you choose. The Home Run Hitting contest will require a fee of $10.00 for participation. Admission for spectators will be 5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students. Children under 5 years will not be charged. We don’t want the donation to be a deterrent from your presence and participation, but we are trying to raise funds to strengthen our program (new pitching machine and new dugouts) for the future players.
We look forward to a great day of renewing relationships with all of our former players, as well as former coaches. There is no need to prepay, but it would help for planning if you could let us know that you will be participating.
Contact numbers if you are attending include: the NW Athletic Dept (517-817-4699) or Coach Keith Huntley (517-784-8628)