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“Just Brett & Lilly” is the title of a new network television show being filmed in Jackson this month.  The show chronicles the story of a single father raising his daughter and stars Brett Hayworth and Lilly Hayworth as the real life father-daughter team.  Residents of Jackson, the Hayworths appeared on today’s Bart Hawley Show to discuss the progress of the pilot’s production.  Several days of filming have already occurred at various locations in Jackson, with more shoots planned later this month.  In addition to Brett and Lilly, actor and singer Robert Davi has filmed scenes in Jackson for the pilot.  Several networks are interested in the series and Brett hopes to have a deal soon.  Other guests:  Paula Freehling, Jackson Area Career Center Counselor of the Year with Western High School counselor Becky Callender;  Janet Meyer, Jackson KidzArt and Club Scientific;  Jackson Speedway owner John Lefere with Mark Joseph, owner, Sparky’s Fireworks Outlet, Entertainment news with Dave DeBaker;  Ric Walton, Walton Insurance Group.

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