(February 24, 2022 4:38 PM) The Salvation Army in Jackson today announced it raised $356,838.16 over the holiday season.
In an announcement, the Salvation Army credited their partners, volunteers, and donors for the success in the annual fundraising campaign:
“At any given time during the year, someone is in need. Someone needs a home. Someone is hungry. Someone needs a winter coat or school supplies. Someone is seeking professional counseling or rehabilitation.
More than quick fixes, those solutions reflect the Salvation Army’s ability to make a difference in millions of lives. Through immediate response, long-term planning, and compassion, we will continue to strive for excellence in our ability to assist others. Be assured that our goal is to make a difference continually.
Whether you rang a bell, donated a toy, put some change in your local Red Kettle or donated online, you made a difference for a neighbor who needs help. Thanks to you, someone’s lights will be on for another day. Another meal will be provided. Someone will be clothed. A homeless person will have shelter. We would not be able to serve these individuals had it not been for the community’s donations and outreach over the holidays.
The beauty of our Red Kettle fundraising season is that, yes, we do so much to help families in need experience Christmas. But it’s about so much more than that. Our fundraising during these critical months determines how we can help struggling neighbors all year long.
Poverty is not limited to one season. Neither is hope. Thanks to your time, talent, and treasure, hope marches on in Jackson County.
The Salvation Army of Jackson County has been in operation since 1885. Last year they served over 22,000 Jackson County residents.”