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Dr.’s Constance Smith and Walter Liskiewicz (Jackson residents) being honored for supporting the creation of the sand mandala by the Monks at the East Lansing Folk Festival this past weekend.
Dr.’s Constance Smith and Walter Liskiewicz (Jackson residents) being honored for supporting the creation of the sand mandala by the Monks at the East Lansing Folk Festival this past weekend.

 The Monks of Gaden Shartse Dokhang Monastery with Geshi Gyaltsen are visiting East Lansing, Jackson and Ann Arbor this week and demonstrated one of their chants being performed on their Compassion Tour; Jackson City Councilwoman Laura Schlecte;  William Patterson, Secondary Curriculum and Federal Programs Director, Jackson Public Schools;  Gary Siegrist, Dahlem;  Jackson County Rose Festival Little Miss and Little Mister Pageant Director Windy Chmiel with winners Alyson Stull, Hailey Parker, Madison Meade and Zeke Horsfall;  Sue Lovell, Pet of the Week, Cascades Humane Society.

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