O’Harrow Construction Co. Vice President of Engineering Scott Gillett, P.E. discussed the load factors that are considered in roof construction. With the season’s heavy snow and upcoming rain and warm spell, some area roofs might be in danger of being damaged. Scott suggests keeping roof drains clear of snow and ice. During construction, roofs in our region should have a load factor of 20 pounds per square foot. O’Harrow Construction recently was honored along with Chemetall with the Chamber of Commerce Brick Award for the new facility along I-94. Other guests: Toby Berry, CEO, Community Action Agency with Carrie Schneider, Consumers Energy on “Walk for Warmth” this Friday at noon in downtown Jackson; Jackson District Library Henrietta Branch Manager Sarah Hashimoto with Library Assistant Tylor Hanshaw; Frank Weathers, Teressa Delph and Alice Lewis, City of Jackson Human Relations Commission; Rick Wilson and Shawna Tello, Jackson YMCA; Pet of the Week with Sue Lovell, Cascades Humane Society.