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Shawna Tello, Mike Ross and Gary Schultz
Shawna Tello, Mike Ross and Gary Schultz

The YMCA is planning a new Oktoberfest event for Saturday, October 5.  Wesley Street will be closed to traffic all day as tents, stages and vendors will fill the space offering food, drink, games, entertainment and demonstrations.  Event chair Gary Schultz and committee members Mike Ross and Shawna Tello are including the 4 neighboring churches and other partners in the day long event.  Other guests:  City Councilman Andy Frounfelker;  BuilderWalk with Andy Woell, General Materials;  Consumers Energy’s “Coney Challenge” coverage;  United Way of Jackson County Executive Director Ken Toll with Cardboard Boat Race participants John Shough, Jason Reith and Kris Herr;  a tour of Heartland Health Center;  AARP Fashions for a Cause with Maggie Gilson.  The fashion show is scheduled for September 20 at Gene Davis and Sons Banquet Center at 6pm.  Reservations and details at 1-877-926-8300.

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