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Cieara Barrett of Concord High School drives toward the basket during the MHSAA Division 4 state semifinal Thursday at the Breslin Center in East Lansing.

 Photo by Karson Durocher, JTV Sports

 Girls Basketball MHSAA State Semifinals

D4 MHSAA Semifinal – Ewen-Trout Creek 34, Concord 24: Concord High School lost to Ewen-Trout Creek 34-24 in the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 4 semifinal Thursday afternoon at the Jack Breslin Student Events Center. Cieara Barrett led Concord with  nine points. ETC advance to the D-4 final Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Breslin Center on the campus of Michigan State University.

Track and Field

Jackson at Lincoln High School: Jackson High School finished seventh in both the boys’ and girls’ indoor meets at Lincoln. Jackson won the boys 800-meter relay in 1:32.96 with a team of Jaff Harvey, Abayomi Earl, Jaiden Ramirez, and Adbou Diene; Harvey was second in the 200-meter dash (22.76); and Kylin Davis was third in the high jump (5-10) and the long jump (20-5) for the Vikings. In the girls meet, Everette Drummond won the 200-meter dash (27.24) and was second in the 400-meter dash (1:00.79); Jackson won the 800-meter relay (1:53.38) with a team of Kenadi Blake, Amareya Lawson, Shainah Mohead, and Drummond; and Mohead placed third in the 60-meter dash (8.5).

On Deck for March 21

College Athletic Events


Spring Arbor at Marian 1 p.m.


Huntington at Spring Arbor    3 p.m.


Spring Arbor at Purgatory Intercollegiate 11 a.m.

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