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Chucky’s Week 2 Playoff Picks

Chucky Buckles is having a tough time this week. He’s questioning everything now. He spent Saturday afternoon watching his beloved Michigan Wolverines get de-pantsed by Michigan State, and yet UM Coach Brady Hoke said – other than an assignment or two – the Wolverines were ‘right in there.’ Chucky knows what it’s like to have his hat handed to him and had his nose broken in a boxing match once. Coach Hoke is either doing his best to keep his team up and energized, or someone tonked him in the head with an errant pass. Anyway, here’s how the playoffs look for week #2-   CONSTANTINE (6-4) @ HILLSDALE (7-3): It’s not fair that Constantine loses all those regular season games (4 this year!) and then rolls into Michigan Center and ends the Cardinals season. Just for that, Hillsdale is going to exact some revenge for their Cascades Conference friends to the northeast. Wait, no… hold on a second… that won’t happen. PICK: CONSTANTINE GRASS LAKE (9-1) @ CLINTON (10-0): Chucky visited Grass Lake for the first time last week. The actual lake, not just the village, and he was awed by its’ beauty. He was also given a stern…

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Schedule: Cross Country State Finals at MIS

Cross Country State Finals, Saturday November 2nd Division 4 Girls - 10am Division 3 Girls - 10:30am Division 4 Boys - 11am Division 3 Boys - 11:30am Division 3 & 4 Awards - 12pm Division 2 Girls - 1:30pm Division 1 Girls - 2pm Division 2 Boys - 2:30pm Division 1 Boys - 3pm Division 1 & 2 Awards - 3:30pm Note: MIS Opens at 8am

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District Playoff Schedule

Division 5 - Parchment (6-3) at Lumen Christi (9-0) Friday 7pm Division 6 - Manchester (7-2) at Grass Lake (8-1) Friday 7pm Division 6 - Hillsdale (6-3) at Jonesville (7-2) Friday 7pm Division 6 - Constantine (5-4) at Michigan Center (8-1) Saturday 1pm Division 7 - Reading (6-3) at Homer (8-1) Friday 7pm Division 7 - Springport (6-3) at Lawton (8-1) Friday 7pm    

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Michigan Center ready for tough matchup with Constantine

  By Larry Jacobson, JTV Sports It’s Halloween season, a time to dress up in costume and pretend you’re something that you’re really not – like a werewolf or a zombie or a super hero. And like a costume, the Constantine Falcons’ pedestrian regular season mark of 5-4 doesn’t reveal who they really are. The Michigan Center Cardinals know it. Since 2002 the Falcons have been one of the most successful programs in the state- rolling up an overall record of 117-21 (85%), making the state playoffs each year, advancing to the state championship game at Ford Field four times (including the last two years) and winning it all in 2004. This year Constantine reloaded and stumbled along the way, losing four regular season games – albeit to four playoff teams. Still, they come in to Saturday’s matchup averaging almost 41 points per game, and remain a very dangerous team. “It’s a bit of a double edged sword for us,” Michigan Center Coach Troy Allen said. “We are very excited to host a playoff game, but when we found out it would be Constantine coming in that turned it up a notch. We obviously know of their playoff history and…

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Chucky’s Playoff Picks

The 2013 high school football playoffs are here and Chucky Buckles, a sage of predictions and many, many irrelevant things, congratulates all the local teams that made the cut!   That being said, predictions must be made….   PARCHMENT (6-3) @ Lumen Christi (9-0): The actual definition of ‘parchment’ is quite disturbing. It’s ‘skin of a sheep or goat one uses on which to write.’ So from this, we can deduce the town was named after bizarre skin-writing goat herders. The Titans survived the big scare at Howell, and look forward to a plain ‘ol matchup with the Panthers, who may or may not have uniforms made out of goat skin. PICK: LUMEN CHRISTI   CONSTANTINE (5-4) @ MICHIGAN CENTER (8-1): Keanu Reeves, who played Constantine in the movie Constantine based on the comic book called Constantine, is on hand to root for Constantine. The Cardinals pull a fast one and bribe him with 23 root beer floats from Rudy’s. The ploy works. PICK: MICHIGAN CENTER MANCHESTER (7-2) @ GRASS LAKE (8-1): The Flying Dutchmen beat Grass Lake earlier this year, but that sort of thing generally just angers the Warriors and makes them quite surly. A catapult hurls soft,…

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Playoff Broadcast Schedule

Saturday 1pm and 7pm and Sunday 3:30pm Manchester at Grass Lake   Saturday 3:30pm and 9:30pm and Sunday 9:30pm Parchment at Lumen Christi   Sunday 1pm and 7pm Constantine at Michigan Center

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Final Regular Season Results – Cascades Conference

Grass Lake                              8-1 (6-1) Michigan Center                      8-1 (6-1) Manchester                             7-2 (6-1) Hanover                                   4-5 (3-4) Vandercook                             4-5 (3-4) Addison                                    3-6 (3-4) Napoleon                                 2-7  (1-6) East Jackson                           1-8 (0-7)

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Today on JTV Sports

10am and 12pm - The Locker Room featuring Spring Arbor Men's Basketball Coach Ryan Cottingham, High School Football Highlights and Jackson Rec Department Youth Football Highlights 1pm and 7pm - Homer at Grass Lake in the Big  8/Cascades Championship Game 3:30pm and 9:30pm - Lumen Christi at Howell

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Chucky’s week 9 Game Picks

By embracing the fall colors and focusing more on the beauty of life, and not the harshness of competition, he’s found a little a joy this week. Going 9-3 in picks didn’t hurt, either, but he prefers not to focus on such trivial matters. On this, the last week of the regular season, let’s ascend to a higher plain. Or is it plane? ATHENS @ EAST JACKSON: This is a classic matchup between the Resistible Force and the Moveable Object as one of these teams (both 0-8) will end the season on a high note. PICK: EAST JACKSON CONCORD @ NAPOLEON: The Yellow Jacket team bus sneaks into town by way of the Falling Waters Trail where they’re attacked by that really creepy flying guy in ‘Jeepers Creepers.’ Luckily, they arrive on time. PICK: CONCORD UNION CITY @ ADDISON: Famous Union City alum Adam Levine arrives early to give a pre-game pep talk. It’s later discovered that Adam Levine never went to Union City and has no plans on arriving and delivering a speech. Strange… PICK: ADDISON QUINCY @ VANDERCOOK LAKE: Jack Klugman once played a forensic scientist in the 70’s sitcom ‘Quincy.’ At this point of week 9, that’s…

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Chucky’s Week 8 Game Picks

Well, Chucky is starting a new life. No longer tied down to the stress and volatile nature of Michigan football (they’ll finish a brutal 7-5) or the anemic Tigers (who will lose in five games to Boston and continue to bemoan their pathetic offense) Chucky has vowed not to waste his precious time watching the local teams. Instead, he’ll turn his attention to something more important, like raking the leaves and losing ten pounds. MANCHESTER @ MICHIGAN CENTER: The #3 and #5 teams in this week’s power poll collide. More importantly, we finally learn the answer to that age old question: What is more intimidating: A rickety old ghost ship from beyond? Or a really ticked off cardinal? PICK: MANCHESTER WESTERN @ NORTHWEST: We’re all Panthers this week after Western lost one of their own over the weekend. “When you are sorrowful, look again into your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.” – Kahlil Gibran. PICK: WESTERN HOLT @ JACKSON: The Rams arrive in town early and settle in for a pre-game meal at Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse, afterwards they buy up the remaining dvd’s from the closing Blockbuster…

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