Chucky’s Week 2 Playoff Picks
Chucky Buckles is having a tough time this week. He’s questioning everything now. He spent Saturday afternoon watching his beloved Michigan Wolverines get de-pantsed by Michigan State, and yet UM Coach Brady Hoke said – other than an assignment or two – the Wolverines were ‘right in there.’ Chucky knows what it’s like to have his hat handed to him and had his nose broken in a boxing match once. Coach Hoke is either doing his best to keep his team up and energized, or someone tonked him in the head with an errant pass. Anyway, here’s how the playoffs look for week #2- CONSTANTINE (6-4) @ HILLSDALE (7-3): It’s not fair that Constantine loses all those regular season games (4 this year!) and then rolls into Michigan Center and ends the Cardinals season. Just for that, Hillsdale is going to exact some revenge for their Cascades Conference friends to the northeast. Wait, no… hold on a second… that won’t happen. PICK: CONSTANTINE GRASS LAKE (9-1) @ CLINTON (10-0): Chucky visited Grass Lake for the first time last week. The actual lake, not just the village, and he was awed by its’ beauty. He was also given a stern…