What’s new from Chucky Buckles… It’s been a good offseason for Chucky. He’s chased a few birds, nibbled a few mice and spent some quality time on top of his neighbor’s shiny, classic Mustang convertible, resulting in a series of profanity laced tirades. But the football season is back, and Chucky is excited to once again dazzle the area with his hard thought picks that most likely won’t prove accurate. Still, pick on, Chucky, pick on… Week 1 Columbia Central @ Napoleon: The Pirates, looking to get into character a bit more this year, play the game with eye patches. This messes with their depth perception, however, and the Eagles take full advantage. PICK: Columbia Central Hanover-Horton @ Concord: Chucky is certain the Comets are going to make some noise this year, so why not in week #1? Plus, the Yellow Jacket community is still excited that Concord grad Courtney Clark won the Jackson County Rose Queen pageant. Chucky is excited, too, but doesn’t see how that helps the football team. PICK: Hanover-Horton Grass Lake @ Dundee: The Beef Jerky Outlet Store is in Dundee, which really doesn’t factor into this article at all. But peppered is probably the best.…